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Free Pre-mades


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Here i have various sigs that i have no need of, so i'm giving em away. i'll add ure name to them and such




the catch: you must give a valid/funny reason why u deserve it :wink:






To be given:


















i'll update when i make more.


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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*Slaps remoteman in his face*




You dare to say that to a lady?




*Slaps again*




Now clean the house and do the dishes!








And Make it quick!




*Runs Away screaming 'Dear Remoteman, can i have No# 4 saying Nami?


Thank's in advance youngman!*

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Added to my random sig script! thank's aloooooot!




*Sends remoteman to the hospital*




Sorry for the slaps, now you will be treated well at the hospital.


Enough nurses there.

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Wow, that one you gave namename is awsome!


If you make something like it in the future... Iwant it :)


Some nice work there ^^








Guess why i choose it :D

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Wow, that one you gave namename is awsome!


If you make something like it in the future... Iwant it :)


Some nice work there ^^








Guess why i choose it :D


You have such a good taste for art :D





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sorry for the delay, have been really busy, heres ures goingunder








red please choose one, u can't have two


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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