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OMG, I'm so frustated now. I was selling 2k death runes in fally world 2. At the time, my dad had called me for supper like 3 times. I see a trade offer so I click. I offer 2k death runes, they offer 300k. I realize they wanted 1k, so I take 1k off. While I'm doing that, the guy takes off 270k, making it 30k. I'm in such a hurry that I just click accept. :x Now I'm even farther down from construction. :(

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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that sucks for you always be careful with that i get this scam at least 10 times a day when i merchant full veracs ill im buyin i get a trade i put up money and at last second they change helm to skirt so i would lose 2.4m but that one jus abd scam and annoyin always report them for it sorry this happened to you tho



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that sucks for you always be careful with that i get this scam at least 10 times a day when i merchant full veracs ill im buyin i get a trade i put up money and at last second they change helm to skirt so i would lose 2.4m but that one jus abd scam and annoyin always report them for it sorry this happened to you tho




That happended to me yesterday :'(


he put up full verac i put up 3.3m and dh pl8 and legs... swapped skirt for helm didnt notice dad wasnted me 2 go and clean the dishes and was in a hurry. Found him later traded him and asked for it back and he put up 31m and 3 sets of verac.. :evil: dam scammers

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Oh, thanks for the cheap death runes. :wink:




Hehe, just kidding. ALWAYS look at the second screen... It's your fault really. :?

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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Oh, thanks for the cheap death runes. :wink:




Hehe, just kidding. ALWAYS look at the second screen... It's your fault really. :?


It is his fault we have pathetic sad people in this community that cannot play without depriving the fun of others? I think not.


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i dont care its wrong , i totally agree with the fact these pathetic players cant play fair :?




It's just the same as in real life - there's always going to be somebody to spoil the fun of other people.




Sorry to hear about you being scammed, all you can do I guess is just learn from it and be more careful in future. And, like a couple of posts in this thread, always check the second trade screen. :)

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