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ask a serious question and get a silly answear


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Because when they say lemon they mean old milk; and when they say kiwi they mean old eggs.




Would you ever give up your life for another person.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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No. Because at least one person in the office/ workplace would realise that guns are for farmers and taxi drivers and in the worst case scenario soldiers and priests. If the need be, a man with a parting can use one too, but never ever a man with a beard or a monobrow. I have seen one used by a woman but she shot the surfer so its not a good idea.








How does the brain create such pish posh at such a short warning?


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Because Will Smith got pregnant and is on maternity leave.








Will we ever know what death is like?


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Because Will Smith got pregnant and is on maternity leave.








Will we ever know what death is like?








go die and post what its like on here.








will we ever get to travel out of the milky way?


Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?

Final Fantasy


Currently Listening To ~ Hotel California / The Eagles

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Yes, we recently discover ancient squirrell technology that allows us to create a time warp in the set of perfect nuts. This will allow us to travel to the squirells head-quarters which are believed to be located on the other side of the garden, most definatley outside of this milky way bar I am plotting in.








How do squirrels carry rabies and still climb trees?


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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because, of course, it has letters of the alphabet in its name.








Why is there a watermelon?








NOTE: It is a serious question, from the movie buckaroo bonzai across the 8th dimension.

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