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slayer staff, obby staff and other q's!


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hi i have a few q's that need answering so plz help!




obby staff- i was wondering wat does this weapon do?does it have a special autocast or a new spell or something and wat are trhe requirements to wield?




slayer staff- i think many people have asked this question.IS IT AFFECTED BY MAGE BONUS?! no offence but i want someone who has sent a quote to jagex to answer this because i hav sent a quote but they havent replied yet and oh wat is the max hit of slayer dart?i went on rhq and it said 16-18 does that mean u cant hit less than 16?




other q's!




ranged-i am getting my ranged up and have a few q's.wat lvl could i get up to with 20k iron arrows and 2.95k stell with 53 range atm?(oh and i will be picking arrows up btw)




wen i got to barrows(im not going atm)i will have these stats












range-wateva i get up to with the arrows in previous question






i was wondering how many p pots will i need?


y do u need a sidestep?y cant u just drink/eat while fighting wat the problem?


should i take karlis x bow or mage short and rune arrows?i was thinking x bow because i get the ammo i need from the chest and if i buy 100 rune arrows per trip it cost 40k per trip!




thanks everyone




EDIT:i was also wondering wen u go into the tzhaar place.if u dnt go into any minigames and fight enemies and if u die do u lose all ur staff or do u resporn somewhere there




and on the crandor isle wer is the ranging spot?

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obby staff just has fairly decent bonuses - both magic and melle - but no auto or runes


slayer STRIKE isnt changed by mage bonus, but any toher spell with the staff is


the rest isnt really my area of knowlegde

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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i guess u dont have to sidestep for borrows, but if you wanna save some food and take a breather i suggest it. then again i dont no nething :P

lost rights to my dark red text >:(



Barrows sets: guthan, verac, dharok, maybe ahrim eventually <- lost to a hacker whole stole everything of worth from my bank

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Actually I haven't seen a single person using the TzHaar staff.




About the Slayer Staff, it's somewhat the most useful slayer equipmennt ever. (Rune Boots and Abyssal Whip are NOT Slayer Equipmennts since you can kill all slayer monsters without them)




It ignores the lowering bonus.




You can hit 15 many times with Slayer Staff even while wearing full rune.




This is useful if you want a lot of protection but still cast spells.




From what I've heard, splitbark is about as bad as full bronze, can anyone confirm this?

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