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level up from 44 to 55


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I am on kind of a tight budget. I'm level 44 and am trying to get to level 55 at least. My armour includes a zombie shirt, steel square shield, and a steel med helmet. my weapons are a blurite sword and a mithril mace. I would like to know which weapon on which creatures would be the fastest way to level up.



I don't suffer from laziness, I enjoy every minute of it.

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Don't level up with those items. It'll take an awfully long time.


I suggest you make enough for Full Addy plus a weapon. Use one of your skils to make the money such as: Mining, Fishing or Woodcutting.

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at that level i would get some better equiptment, and go train at hillgiants near varrock, those are what got me from lvl 50-lvl 73(right now)


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dont train combat until you have money for at least a full set of the same armor. wearing random stuff isnt going to get you anywhere. go make some cash by WORKING. then buy a full set of mithril. use that mithril till you can use rune and WORK until you can afford rune. always use a simmy to train.

liek omg rly?

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