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Pixel piece - The lighthouse.


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^ Hopefully you guys with bad contrast can see that better.




Just messing around with 5 purty colours. Dad told me to draw a lighthouse :P




Give me your opinions/crits.




This is in no way a serious piece, i'm a pixel newb so like keep that in mind. :lol:




Btw, it's got me name in it, so no ripping. [-(

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The black makes it harder to see for me, it makes the colours relatively brighter.




Anyway, it looks nice kind of like smoothish if you get what I mean.




I just assumed black would do something to fool the eyes of who was looking at it, for better or worse. :lol:




Also, thanks for the replies, no crits tho? Can we get a GS in here?




Edit: By smooth I think you mean like the pastelly colours make it less saturated. :P

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The black makes it harder to see for me, it makes the colours relatively brighter.




Anyway, it looks nice kind of like smoothish if you get what I mean.




I just assumed black would do something to fool the eyes of who was looking at it, for better or worse. :lol:




Also, thanks for the replies, no crits tho? Can we get a GS in here?




Edit: By smooth I think you mean like the pastelly colours make it less saturated. :P




If I must.






Edited. Main issues: Not enough contrast, inneficient use of colors.




Glad to see less color usage, I didnt add any, just changed um up a bit. Uses highlights to simulate the ocean, as well as the purple to create some depth away from shore, although its hard to notice. Clouds usualy look as though they're smooshed on a flat surface, so I gave them a straight bottom. Yea.




Theres your GS.

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Aren't those clouds from Venomai cloud tutorial.. like actually them and shrunken?


Too bad it's so bright that I can't see it!! Hah...


But even with the contrast bumped up, I don't really see much of a resemblance. :-k Can you illustrate?




If there are so many replies that find it too bright, then there's something wrong with your monitor's contrast. ;)




As to the fixed version by godslayer, looks good, but it's very bland. There are lots of things you can do with a small amount of colours if you wish to add depth, texture and realism. The cliff's perspective also needs a lot of work.

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The black makes it harder to see for me, it makes the colours relatively brighter.




Anyway, it looks nice kind of like smoothish if you get what I mean.




I just assumed black would do something to fool the eyes of who was looking at it, for better or worse. :lol:




Also, thanks for the replies, no crits tho? Can we get a GS in here?




Edit: By smooth I think you mean like the pastelly colours make it less saturated. :P




If I must.






Edited. Main issues: Not enough contrast, inneficient use of colors.




Glad to see less color usage, I didnt add any, just changed um up a bit. Uses highlights to simulate the ocean, as well as the purple to create some depth away from shore, although its hard to notice. Clouds usualy look as though they're smooshed on a flat surface, so I gave them a straight bottom. Yea.




Theres your GS.




Thanks for the edit :P




I kind of forgot what clouds look like irl, it's been pretty clear in Sydney.




Btw, the black wasn't intended to be a colour in it. Bit of crits on yours tho, the smaller clouds have no highlights? Seems a bit strange. Also, maybe change the shape of the lighthouse a bit, I know it's immature but.. :S




Venomai: The clouds aren't ripped :P Thanks for not jumping on me about it :)

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I kind of forgot what clouds look like irl, it's been pretty clear in Sydney.




Btw, the black wasn't intended to be a colour in it. Bit of crits on yours tho, the smaller clouds have no highlights? Seems a bit strange. Also, maybe change the shape of the lighthouse a bit, I know it's immature but.. :S




I added a few things to Godslayer's version. A paintover of a paintover! Hope neither of you mind. Had some fun, it's very difficult to use so few colours! :D




You left a lot of room for improvement. Below are some of the fixes which I think would be useful to note for future reference.


- I changed contrast, value and hues. That bright, garish yellow needed to go. The darkest colour (purple) needed to be a bit darker and stronger to catch the user's eye.


- I added a red colour for the lighthouse and made it smaller to illustrate that it was far away. The original looked more like a (rudely shaped) sky-scraper. :lol: hehe


- I tried to fix the perspective a bit, and changed the cliff to introduce a bit of movement.


- Cropped top off to avoid empty space. Wasn't much off a problem on the original, though.


- I added the yellowish colours in the waves to try and show the sun's reflections on the water (an attempt at adding realism).


- I added a very subtle shadow for the lighthouse. Very tough with so few colours.


- The piece was too straight and uniform. It needed to loosen up. Roughen up edges. Avoid straight lines in landscape pieces, unless they are small and hard to notice.


- Added depth and texture to the sky and water with the colours. Changed the horizon to make it a bit less uniform. In real life the horizon would be almost perfectly horizontal (like yours), but that doesn't always work well in a painting/pixel (see above). The thing is, art has no boundaries... :-$


- I used more colours in the clouds to add depth and interest. Also made them whispy, softer/rounder, and more "random".


- Now that I look at it, I've made mine too busy in places. *sigh* Ah well, I think you get the point. ;)




Good luck. Keep workin' at it. :)






Venomai: The clouds aren't ripped Thanks for not jumping on me about it


Heh, no prob.

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lol, there's something very phallic about that lighthouse :lol:




Not like me or Venomai's was shaped like a weiner.




Thanks for the edit Venomai!




I really like how you made it look so much more alive.




But, like where's my boat gone! :-k




There are questions I must ask you now.






- Why did you add a red for the lighthouse, it now distracts the viewer from the rest of the picture. Although the lighthouse is a focal point, it now appears to stick out of the piece.


-Why are you so good at this?


- Where is my boat. :\

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