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Who did this?


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A while ago Jagex posted news on Runescape.com about one of the biggest Runescape fan sites adding keyloggers to files on their site.




Many people made up stories, and said Tip.it was the site who was doing this.




I doubt this is true, but what site did this?




Sorry if this isn't the right forum, if it is move it!



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whats a keylogger?




It's like a virus, but rather than affecting files on your computer, it traces the keystrokes. Say you typed "Hi my name is Bob Bobson", it would be sent to the person who keylogged you.




They can be added to files, so as soon as you open the file, you are now keylogged.




This is how many users have their accounts stolen.



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The exact jagex post was this


It has just been brought to our attention that a large unofficial fansite (NOT our site) has had their password database stolen. And in fact has been leaking usernames+passwords for some time.




It was refering to us because our forum passwords were compromised, but they failed to mention that the passwords were encrypted in a way that is not backwards unencryptable. So, they had a bunch of useless gibberish if that is even what they had.




We are the largest runescape fan site. If we tried keylogging people, it would be found quickly, and noone would have any reason to continue using us.


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I believe it was Tip.it...


What? Don't accuse tipit of sending keyloggers please. We don't appreciate it. I wonder if you know just how much work here the staff does to protect the users from people posting links to keylogged files.






Locking this since nothing is going to be achieved in this discussion. If you are talking about the the password issue then there is an announcement in general.

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