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Tip.It Times Presents: The Old Nite


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well, i never knew the old nite, but he seemed like a nice guy. it would have been fun to be friends with a legend but it was really tragic that he passed away.runescape lost a big part of it, and that will make the game itself change. it's a shame he had to pass away so early. he was a big part of us all. we have to feel sympathy, for his son, though, as he is the biggest part of The Old Nite's life. if your reading this, you have my deepest sympathy and i hope you will live a good life and enjoy the memories of the past. even if we never knew each other, i still consider The Old Nite a friend. live happy in everyone's memories, Knight.

i would like to be a runescape legend, but that is an unreachable goal for many people. you need to an expert at the game, of course, level 99 in every skill, and still be caring and helping others out. for me, meeting those people

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Hello. Haven't posted for a while, but jumped on that article. And really, RuneScape has lost true legend, true man. And not only RuneScape. The whole world has lost a 1 warm person.


Let it be a lesson to everyone, that there's nothin more important than life.


R.I.P. The Old Nite!

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I always preferd him over zezima, zezima was for me the cool person who was like a diva, never saying things back etc, but when i saw the old nite, i said hi to him, and he said hi back, we had a nice conversation about life etc... i could never imagined that he would die a few months later, i was shocked when i heard it.. at the first i thought it was just some kind of sick joke made by people because i was just thinking he was on holiday or something




its a shame jagex didn't made a memorial sign or something about the old nite..




sometimes i hope the accaunt of the old nite gets hacked by a person like the old nite ( wich won't happen probably cause the old nite wasn't a person to hack someone ) and than train all the new skills to 99 so the accaunt won't go down to the drain of pixels

~~ I Xyzyx I ~~ 99 attack ~~

98/99 strenght

92/99 defence

58/80 prayer

former 70 def pker, about to become a ownage mb beast

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He seemed really cool...how did he die?It seemed he wasn't very old... :boohoo: I think Runescape should hold a runeholiday in his honor.[/url]

If I were Will, I would sue for compensation.It's just not nice for everyone to be firing at him.

**The Old Nite has died of cancer.Please add this to your signature so we will remember this legendary runescaper.**

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I knew The Old Nite back in rsc after meeting him a couple of days after joining members. As already stated by a large number of people in this thread he was always friendly and always had a moment for anyone.




He was half the inspiration for my goal of getting to the top of the hi-scores (the other half was another top player who quit then WOW came out) and whenever I think about it, it always amazes me that he has always been at the top of the hi-scores for the past five years right up until his death. To me he has always been and will always be my #1 runescape hero.




Long live the memory of The Old Nite!

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R.I.P. old nite we will never forget you :cry: =D>


first and last meet with the old nite http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1328/5 ... 380871.jpg




it was one of his last skills to train; agility.


I saw him on the wildernis agility course and i fought him,when I killed him he added me and said: nice fight (great to hear that..!!) :oops:




The Old Nite you are a great part of the history in runescape.

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very touchy subject to talk about...




i would like to say a few words




rest in peace


no seriously most ppls just saying it to show respect but i realy want you to have a peacefull dream knowing you are the second person to max out stats!!






that is all...










off topic: i saw a cool pic with his in game name with the trade with follow etc and at the bottum it said rest in peace.... any one got it plz post it ... i would like it


16537th to get 99 fletching 20th june 2007

quest cape achieved 25th january 2008

1700 total 13th july 2008

click for blog

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He should be remembered not just as a legendary runescaper, but for his warm,friendly attitude in the real world. :(

If I were Will, I would sue for compensation.It's just not nice for everyone to be firing at him.

**The Old Nite has died of cancer.Please add this to your signature so we will remember this legendary runescaper.**

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I remember when I saw him cutting magic logs when I was a noob, and without me even saying anything, he gave me a free magic longbow. It wasn't much to most people, but it meant a lot to me and really told me about his character. I am very sad to hear of him passing away, and I'm sure we all will remember him forever.




R.I.P. The Old Nite. :pray: :boohoo:

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how is it so sure that he passed away actually?is this officially or did he just quit runescape?




if true,i wish him a pcefull rest,deny the fact that he was young.


i wish strenght to his familie and close friends.


if he read right,he was a good person.


r.i.p. fellow runescape citizen

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I read this artical... It made me cry... I knew 'The Old Nite'... but only met him recently... He's really nice... He was the person who showed me to enjoy runescape... not to be a n33b and be filthy rich.... just enjoy it...


Anyone I conclude this by sending my prayers to His Family and of course... He himself...


R.I.P The Old Nite


You will be remembered, your spirit still lives inside the soul of everyone you've inspired...






Agg... :( :boohoo: :(

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how is it so sure that he passed away actually?is this officially or did he just quit runescape?




if true,i wish him a pcefull rest,deny the fact that he was young.


i wish strenght to his familie and close friends.


if he read right,he was a good person.


r.i.p. fellow runescape citizen




Two things... I think he was in his early 50's...


Also he is another victim of the dreaded.... Cancer...




Sorry :(

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