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my Defender theory...


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well, it took 300 or so kills for iron to steel, i was getting pretty impatient...




i went off for the night and when i came back at least 15 people were using the room! i killed one cyclops and got a black defender... cool! went out, cam e back in... couldnt get a cyclops for 5 minutes, i was about to log when a cyclops attacked me, i kill it, mith! alright! 2 in a row! i manage to get another one after that in the same world and got an addy! steel to addy in 3 kills!




well i came to the conclusion that the more crowded a room is, the more chance of a defender drop is! post thoughts...

siggity siggity shwa

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nope, it just depends on luck... plain luck.


like all of the drops :P


"Happines only real when shared."





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Everything is random in this game. Everything. Sure you might get lucky some times, but in the end it's all RANDOM. This game is all about randomness.


Took me around 5k tokens to get to addy defender, then I got 3 rune defenders within my last 110 tokens. Random. I got the first few defenders on crowded servers, then i kinda gave up. When I got mith to rune defenders I was in a room which was not crowded, was several days after the update on a near empty server early in the morning.



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Yeah, as stated above, the drops are completely random. The game says, for example, you have a 5% chance to get a defender. So you have a 95% chance of not getting one. If a cyclops does not drop a defender, then you still have a 5% chance of getting one the next time you kill a cyclops. So based on independant proabilities, the chances of you getting one are slim, but based on grouped proabilities, you should get one drop per 20 cyclops'. These are example values of course.




I got upto rune within 500 tokens.

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well then i must be unlucky(yeah we already know that)


almost 3k tokens used before i got rune defender =D>


"Happines only real when shared."





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That was really really really really lucky.


Took me 3.6k tokkens to get rune (in the first and second day).


It is like what people say it is random - you been in the right place in the right time.

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it took me 1k tokens to get my steel one (all the others i had amazingly fast)

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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i cant believe that 5% thing is right i used 1k tokens and i was never standing waiting for a kill and i didnt even get a bronze




I just used the 5% as an example ;) But it seems weird how some people get defenders straight away, yet other don't get them for a long time. Maybe there is a randomness about the probability, for example there is a 1-5% chance of a person getting that specific defender, and the value is determined as you speak to the person at the gate. This theory would match with the "some people get rune in 500 tokens, whereas some don't get bronze for around 2000 tokens".

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