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Mixed Worlds Petition!

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It would end it with too much confusion for new members as to whats members, whats not. Members would have literally thousands of questions a day asking what that item was. I already get this on members worlds with mud staff and magic secateurs, now imagine it on f2p! :shock:




Also the wilderness would be very unfair, and all the training would be the same, high level members would get the good training spots, f2p would be left out and get insulted.

90 Combat 1900+ Total

99 Crafting 99 Cooking 99 Firemaking

99 Herblore 99 Fletching 98 Farming



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There are level 126 F2P players out there, you know. But Rune Armour VS. Barrows? Fire Blast VS. Ice Barrage? Adamant Arrows on Maple Bows VS. Magic Short Bows with Specials? No thanks.




There aren't any level 126 free players (that werent previously members). The highest is 124, if I recall correctly.


I thought Franzk was 125


ya... hes a big no-lifer... cuz he only needs 1 more prayer for 126... thats about 700k bigbones burried. :shock: thats near the same time as 150mil fm exp...




I clearly didnt recall correctly :lol: But my point was there are no f2p 126's.




But that isn't the main point, is it?

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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who would go to this world besides noob f2p beggers and members who want to show to f2pers. By the way members can wear member stuff on free worlds and show off there. So the only reason for this world would be beggars which we have enough of allready.

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