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Need Another Sig :-)- *EDIT* Look on last page for winners


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Well if you want to get placed or whatever.. you can still do cats ones....








make meh a angel 1 :P NOw tehehe lol im bored








er didn't answer my question...








do you want a guy angel or a girl one????












. . . .

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alright. Even though you could of selected anyone of the signitures off someone elses post who got an image off google.








All the stuff on Googles is Copywrited, and yet he picks on you. Such a shame. Alot of people use the images, so just get off his back.








:twisted: F!r3$70r/\/\ :twisted:








sorry for digging a couple pages back.








I'm not going to get off his back for using copywrited images. It's illegal. As for the person who said "he used less then 50%" of the image:








1. How do you know that's only 50%?








2. Find me where "if you only use less then 50%" it's legal?








So if I go and just take the head off of the Mona Lisa painting I can say it's mine? It's only part of the image.












The point is you could of picked countless posts which would of used copywrited images off google on theis forum, but you come into this post and start [bleep]ing about me using images off google. Now, why didn't mention something about the cat images, I know a few of them are off a google search. Now if you don't do this in every other post that uses copy wrtited images, I'm going to assume you have something against me.








And Firestorm, thanks for sticking up for me.

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Just a comment on the Copyright issue... Educational use?? Where?? He is trying to sell the image for pete's sake. That is commercial use if I ever saw one!








You know how people who ripped mistex's sigs got banned? That is no different from what ripping images from google is.








I noticed that there hasn't been too many entrys to the angel theme so I went on and did one. I'm in high fever currently, so the angel is quite messed up...(excuses excuses, really...I can't draw!!). Didn't put that much effort since it's only the side event.









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Just a comment on the Copyright issue... Educational use?? Where?? He is trying to sell the image for pete's sake. That is commercial use if I ever saw one!








You know how people who ripped mistex's sigs got banned? That is no different from what ripping images from google is.








I noticed that there hasn't been too many entrys to the angel theme so I went on and did one. I'm in high fever currently, so the angel is quite messed up...(excuses excuses, really...I can't draw!!). Didn't put that much effort since it's only the side event.
















So your saying I should be banned, and all those other people who used google images shouldn't this is completely against me. And why am I being used an example for using copy writed images. I never said anything about this picture being mine, and I know a lot of people who haven't said anything about their images being off google, when they were - so why should I? And yes learning to use a program to make signitures can be educational, as it improves your graphics, or if you like presentation.

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Somethings just aren't ok only because "everyone else" does so. It is wrong. period. I'm not after you especially nor am I after anyone. If you use images not done by you..use stocks.








On the educational issue...If you made images quietly at home and never went public with them, that could be ok.

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Somethings just aren't ok only because "everyone else" does so. It is wrong. period. I'm not after you especially nor am I after anyone. If you use images not done by you..use stocks.








On the educational issue...If you made images quietly at home and never went public with them, that could be ok.








I never said it was ok to do it because other people do it, I'm just saying you shouldn't just pop up in one post and say that your not alowed to do this, and so on. If you want to disscuss about this you should make a separate post, and not aim it one person, and I'm talking to Ryan mainly on this one. And yes and I will in the future add that the images weren't created by me.

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Just a comment on the Copyright issue... Educational use?? Where?? He is trying to sell the image for pete's sake. That is commercial use if I ever saw one!








You know how people who ripped mistex's sigs got banned? That is no different from what ripping images from google is.








I noticed that there hasn't been too many entrys to the angel theme so I went on and did one. I'm in high fever currently, so the angel is quite messed up...(excuses excuses, really...I can't draw!!). Didn't put that much effort since it's only the side event.
















I like it :D but perhaps could the bg be pink or something? or would that look right?...








And btw granny(grandma) i'll wait for ya if u want...








And nice sig too... no offense but i thought you was a guy lol :oops: :P

Formly known as TheKat146.

Retired in 2003 on RSC at combat level 111 <3

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I havent seen my competition and dont plan to. Dont want to be put down with my hard work :P.








Pm me if I do well.. or pm me with what I should change.
















Noticed myself that the one full wing isnt perfectly smooth.. has some rough edges. I'll work on it once i'm back from canada's wonderland tomorrow.








I took the stock photo from devianart and added the wings :oops:. Its my first photo manip so i'm pretty happy.

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I havent seen my competition and dont plan to. Dont want to be put down with my hard work :P.








Pm me if I do well.. or pm me with what I should change.
















Noticed myself that the one full wing isnt perfectly smooth.. has some rough edges. I'll work on it once i'm back from canada's wonderland tomorrow.








I took the stock photo from devianart and added the wings :oops:. Its my first photo manip so i'm pretty happy.








I love it :shock:








the only thing i'd like added is like some kind of border

Formly known as TheKat146.

Retired in 2003 on RSC at combat level 111 <3

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Alright, I had to see my competition. OMG, ColAvanor's are ALL insane. I dont think I have much chance.








The other sig had a pink boarder.. I guess it was hard to see.
















It looks okay with this boarder.. I guess. Tell me what colours/colour you want for a boarder and anymore please :).












Lol.. about Canada's Wonder land... it was changed to thursday ;).

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