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Defrag? How to? What programs?


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I have gotten my own computer, it's a Gateway 2000, which I updated to Windows ME. But it runs Runescrape like crap, like a lag every second, and is very slow loading.




To my knowledge the computers got plenty of hardrive space, and ram. But my friend told me that defraging it would improve my Runescape. He's gone, and I don't know how to defrag. I downloaded two defrag programs, they ran for about 3 hours each, but they didnt seem to do anything. He said it should take up to 2 days. What program do I use to defrag? Any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Thanks! :D


Me doing staff.

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Wow, why would somebody ever upgrade to windows ME> Windows 98 is to this date, far more compatiable then windows ME ever was.




Start- Programs- Accesseries- System tools- Disk Defrag (it should be there)


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wow, defrag over night? My computer takes less then 2 hours to defrag.




mine does not....




Weird. Mine only took about 1-2 hours last time I tried.


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well that depends how fast and how much stuff you got in your computer.
And how often you do it. If you do it every day (by that I mean, very often), it will be like an hour. But if you have an amazingly big computer, filled with balogne, it can take like 5+ hours. I think it's somewhat faster on modern computers, but yea, it used to take like 8 hours on my old computer.
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Running windows 98 or ME now that Microsoft has cut off support is just a very bad idea :!:

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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