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Sweet song by my friend Algorhythmz: I'm Powerful (rate plz)


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"I'm Powerful"




A cool song about runescape , based on the song "You're Beautiful..." by James Blunt




Lyrics and music sung and played by Algorhythmz.




He'd love to hear everybody's comments , you can send him an email at: [email protected]


or click here to leave a post in the guestbook




Click here to visit the page where you can download his song





verse 1




I'm playing runescape...






what the hell...




log on already!


there we go, ok,


here we are...


click ok...






I'm playing runescape


All day and night.


And while I level


I talk on skype




Don't bother me while I'm fletching.


Or I'll never get it done.


My wrist's about to fall right off,


But this is such fun.










I'm powerful. I'm powerful.


More powerful, than you.




I've had enough, of you begging for stuff


You just don't know what to do.


'Cause you're such a friggin noob.




verse 2






I might have no life,


Smithing all these knives.


And I know that it will never help me,


Get a wife,




But I don't think that I truly give a [cabbage],


Since I'll always be here I'm never gonna quit...










I'm poweful. I'm powerful.


More powerful, than you.




I've had enough, of you begging for stuff


You just don't know what to do.


'Cause you're such a friggin noob.












La la la la, la la la la, la la la la, L-LEVELS!










I'm poweful. I'm powerful.


More powerful, than you.




I'm not quite zezima but just gimme more time,


I'll have a full set of [bleep]ing party hats!!




But it's time to face the truth,


I will always be a noob....






please let him know

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yay the first childish response :D jealous? I didn't write a song, i parody'd a song (which I think is lame). This implies a joke, and a sense of humor, not an infatuation and a need for counselling ^_^ but don't worry buddy someday you'll have some form of talent in something or other >_< lolz

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Wow! A Bubsa wannabe, but what a wannabe! I love Bub for all his songs, but singing, he cannot :-$


Your voice actually reminds me of the lead singer of Bush, which is a compliment, that's for sure. And the lyrics are almost as funny as Bubsa's :)





Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Man that was truely amazing. On the same level as Bubsa's parodies. You guys should consider going proffesional. With talent like that you could go all the way to the top. Seriously.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Thanks alot Jackalope, Oy and Ragen. I appreciate the compliments, very much so :)








I didn't really think it was funny, but I thought it was well sung/made. How many times did u have to record it?




As for the number of recordings, I did a half assed one at first just to see if it would work, one full recording that had a bunch of mess ups then a second recording which is the one you hear (though there are still a few messups in it lol) so, technically 3 :)

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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has left comments and emails. Over 500 people have visited the site alone, and I know of uncounted others that have gotten it in file transfers. It's been very cool to have so many nice people give a response that I honestly did not expect. So thank you truly everyone for being so cool. There are alot of really great people playing runescape, and you all know who you are.

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Or ex-RSers who still like to have a laugh with it ;)

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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