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RS2 SIG SHOP!great Colab artists available! PREMADES ADDED!!


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Hey I was wondering if I could get a colab abstract sig from you and DementedHero








Text on the sig: Beamo 26 which alternates to TMRD








Colours: You experiment and find out which colours you think work best :wink:








Price I'm willing to pay: 250k (maybe more if I can make some cash :roll: )








Please tell me if there is anymore info that you need












Beamo 26


Check out my blog here!

Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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Hey I was wondering if I could get a colab abstract sig from you and DementedHero








Text on the sig: Beamo 26 which alternates to TMRD








Colours: You experiment and find out which colours you think work best :wink:








Price I'm willing to pay: 250k (maybe more if I can make some cash :roll: )








Please tell me if there is anymore info that you need












Beamo 26








Sounds cool :) I'll tell him about it.








L337, of course i'd want you on here, your da photomanip master lol :D

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Color(s): pick for me im not good wit dem








Name: Runeknight95




Quote/other text(stat's ect): (do u do animations...?)




Skill Total: 1780+




Combat: 108+




Ranged: 95+




Magic: 92+




Defence: 90+




If u can animate that a fading/ pulsing sort of animation wud be nice




and could u put "The Crew" somewhere on that not animated




Price offering(higher you offer better sig will be ): whatever u want




Description of what you want kind of: im not good with things like that so cud u think sumtin up for me ? :P well decide payment wen its done

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Ok guys, I can now pay a bit more if I get a matching avatar :lol:








Can I get an estimate on how long this will take?








Not sure, few days probaly. both of us have school so were preaty busy.








runeknight, the higher the better :) You can decide when i finish the sig, but it must be at least the min. requirement :P

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Ok guys, I can now pay a bit more if I get a matching avatar :lol:








Can I get an estimate on how long this will take?








Not sure, few days probaly. both of us have school so were preaty busy.








Alright then, Let me try and get a bit more cash so I can get the min of 300k :P


Check out my blog here!

Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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oki doki bout how long? and wud u mind doin a matchin avvy? and i was wonderin if u do banners?








i can do banners, but they will cost more. And yeah, i can probaly do a matching avvy.








How much you gunna pay btw?

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Gl with the shop nad.








Oh yeah, stick me in your colaborator column if ya want, I love playing with other people's peices.








he, does this mean royalflush is also available for colab?












ps: if he does let me know and ill send you my order, ill pay 200k to each colab and i think i would like demented in it as well so that would be a 3 colab, Nadril, royalflush and demented..








hey nadril ill ask again, is it true??

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aw :cry: try a diff bg? or something?








You need to be alittle more specific for him..do you not like the current bg? Or do you just want the animation that bad.

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