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Scary Stories To Creep You Out!!!! Story 2 added


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The Were-Demon




It all started one dark spooky night, while on a ocean barge traversting Gielinor and all surroundings countries, Alestroes was reading a book. It was about an old legend of being a were-demon. In the book it said:"The only way to tell which person is a were-demon, is by looking on their left forearm. If they have a green scar shaped like a formless blob, The Demon Scar, then they are a were-demon." He closed the book in fright as a horrifying howl split the night air. "Phew! It was only a wolf,"he assured himself. But then an earsplitting roar shook the tranquility of the calm, yet foggy, night. In horror Alestroes flopped off his bed and armed himself with his rune armor and weapons. Two jeweled rune daggers, worn from use, hang loosely at his side, on his back was a pretty large rune two-handed sword, and he weilded two rune shortswords.




He started out of his cabin by then front door then...




He saw a great big pair of green eyes with slitted pupils and red corneas. Then he saw a huge jaw full of teeth that could easily slice through any metal, except dragon. Then he saw it. Illuminated by the moonlight, a horrifying figure stood in plain veiw. His claws were wet with fresh blood, still dripping from them, plop plop plop.








With the mighty head of an undead bear, the torso of a mighty lesser demon, a tail of the ferioucious hellhounds, the arms of the Dagganoth Prime, and the legs and wings of the almightly King Black Dragon! Its eyes, as Alestroes noticed, were blood red, except for the pupils, which shined green as the venom from the vicious rattlesnake. The entire body was dripping wet with fresh, warm, blood.




His hands trembled from terror, as the mighty beast raised its hand, the very hand that ripped and gored all of his crewmates, and bloodied the barge. He only had one chance to kill it. He dropped his rune swords and conjured up a Saradomin Strike. It phased through the invulnerable demon harmlessly. The beast was now mad! It brought down its hand, more powerful than Thor's hammer. And crushed Alestroes.




How do I know?




Well Well Well mortal, I know because I AM THE WERE-DEMON! HAHA!!






More stories will come pretty soon. You might as well bring your wittle b[bleep]ies as they will be even more scarier than this one!


(Note)I am sorry, the computer kept on typing cicatrix! I Hate That!!






The Return of Iban






Bloodstained bodies littered the battlefeild. Among the mounds of decaying corpses stood a horse with a rider on it. It was no ordinary sight, the horse was dyed blood-red with blood, its hooves were actually made out of the bones of the people it has cause death to. The rider moved with inhuman speed and carried a blade of black runite. The sword was composed of the chemical structure of runite ore and it had some blackwater in it, rumored to be black blood taken from the unholiest cliff on October 31, Halloween if i recall is what you mortals call that day. It is actually the day where Zamorak grows strongest but after all its only a myth, right?......... WRONG!!!!!!!!! Oh well back to the rider, he then proceeded to the Temple of Iban.




There he saw, sitting, blank-eyed on the throne was Zamorak. "Ah yes father I hoped that I could have the pleasure of killing you myself, demi-gods like you are all pitiful fools who sucumb to the human weakness of death from old age. No matter, I am reclaiming this temple for myself, Iban," said the rider (or Iban as we will call him).




Iban placed his hand over his father's face and then he blew up the brain within. Then he started taking his father's power.




He grew evil(er?). The ears on his head sharpened to slight points, what was left of his hair fell out and was replaced by two horns.




I wish I could tell you more but he is glaring at me right now OH NO ARGGHHHHH.




[iban] Silly storyteller death is for him! You are next puny mortals! I shall have my vengence!

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Gielinor is the WHOLE world. =)

Does anyone happen to know death_siren? She stole a green mask from me, and I think I found my way into her ignore list. If you know anything, please, don't hesitate to give me a pm.

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