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Interesting thing i found at pc.. (Video)


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ok i dont get anything of what your saying and i cant seem to download it so can anyone plz tell me what he means...

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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Wow, that was the most confusing explanation that I have ever read, lol. Anyway, you can get this same effect by clicking under you or any other spot on the boat. When I play pc I am loaded into a new game usually before I can reach the north side of the boat anyway.






EDIT: He is saying this-




If you follow somebody who is near the bank while you are on the boat it gives you the "boost" towards the purple portal.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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basically its trying to do the action you send it to do but since you moved it followed them anyway... try this




follow someone and have them teleport... yourchar will still try to follow that person by running towards where the teleported ^.^




imagine if your in varrok and they teleport to ice plataeu :lol:

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wow, im suprised you havent realised this ( no affence ) but it has been like that ever since it came out :wink:






Most of us didn't know this though... *raises hand embarrassingly*


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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