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[Not Another 91 RCer!] RELOCATED!!

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Since when can you make blood runes????


Was thinking the same... :-s




Well, when you reach level 77 you "can" make blood runes, but there isn't an alter yet, blame Jagex for that. ::'




Best of luck with your goal man, 91 runecraft is any addicted players dream. So much cash to be made, but takes quite some time to reach level 91 - but your already off to a great start, so keep it up.

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Thanks, Runescapefan, for the support and clarification. (Strangely enough, when I saw a picture of the "Members can now craft Blood Runes" thing a while back, I thought someone Photoshopped it. Hehe.) I wish I could get my level tonight. Probably won't happen. Eh, I'll add my weekly update soon anyway.

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Week 2 is up!




Week 2


Experience Gained - 8,055 xp


Experience Total - 1,604,899 xp


Levels Gained - none


Cash Earned - 223,750 gp


Pure Essence Used - 895


Times PKed - 0


Beginning Weekly Rank - 2,375


Ending Weekly Rank - 2,410


Ranks Gained - -35


Notes: Can you blame me? I was on vacation. :D Hopefully, I'll be able to improve next week. School starts very soon, though! :cry:

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Wow thanks so much, E. Lol do this.




I support Ddrmaster7 etc etc click here blah blah




Then when people click on it, they'll redirect to here. And I'll probably get 78 tomorrow after school (NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!@!@!@!@!@!@!!) since I'm playing beatmania for PS2 now (I just got it and it owns. :D)

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Week 3 is up. How uneventful.




Week 3


Experience Gained - 6,498 xp


Experience Total - 1,611,397 xp


Levels Gained - none


Cash Earned - 180,500 gp


Pure Essence Used - 722


Times PKed - 0.5 (I managed to die in Lumby and was able to keep my valuables.)


Beginning Weekly Rank - 2,410


Ending Weekly Rank - 2,453


Ranks Gained - -43


Notes: So...I played a lot of fight pits, castlewars, matches at the duel arena. I also had school, a birthday party...so I didn't get much playing time. I'm confident I'll get back in sync next week.




I'll also add a special thanks section. There's a few people I'd like to mention personally for helping me on my way. Oh well, see you in 18k xp 78 rc).

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Sometimes I get so pissed off at pkers, I go in for a little action myself. This guy was snaring/entangling me and then using dds or mage short. I came back in black d hide and dds, made him run to bank after 4 specs. Says I "caught him by surprise." Then when he came back, after I started winning again, he used a skeleton to run away. He banked his stuff and died to poison. In any case...








Shows that people who RC PK can't PK at all.

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~ When selling these at 350 each, that's 35,000,000 gp (:shock:). Again, at buying pure ess 100 each, that's 441,234 pure ess when combined with the 91,234 essence I still have left over.







I suggest here that you buy a santa then use the spare to get more pure ess so you'll be getting worth more and more (yeah, I know, the ranger set =P) It's always fun to have a rare....right?




Also, Nice kill :lol:

Then fork out money for the full version.

Ooooh f2p'ers just got BURNED by a Tip It mod! :twisted:



listen to Bubsa sing! \:D/ ->http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=309164

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Jeez, what is it with these noobs!








Came into wildy to attack a level 94 who kept attacking me. I used three sharks, he ran to bank. I stayed in case he came back, and a dude in monk robes and dds attacked me. I killed him promptly, and a different 94 with ancients tried to pj me by ice bursting me. What was the world come to? -.-

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My bad, I forgot that yesterday was the end of week 4. So it's been extended to the end of today. :) I'm also adding a "Times I Pked" section to the format.




Week 4


Experience Gained - 88,965 xp


Experience Total - 1,700,362 xp


Levels Gained - 78


Cash Earned - 2,471,250 gp


Pure Essence Used - 9,885


Times PKed - 0


Times I PKed - 2


Beginning Weekly Rank - 2,453


Ending Weekly Rank - 2,279


Ranks Gained - 174


Notes: Though school started, I was still able to get level 78 and progress halfway to 79. Almost done with nats! (Not almost but I'm about 2/3 of the way there.)




Got 1.7M xp also! Too...much...school...




Do I smell bad or something? No one posts anymore. ;_;

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Got an ownage avatar to supplement my goal. 8-)




And I have a little too much homework. School is rough. :cry: I'll try to catch up on the weekends.




Not too much done today, got pked twice but I picked up all my stuff. :)




And my friend is giving me all his stuff since he can't play for about a month or two, so I'm gonna waste it on glories and super energies. :twisted: But I have to pay him back. Growl.




(Wow, a sentuple post. [it's sentuple for 7, right?])

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Wow, someone posted. That's new. Considering no one posted in over a week.




Yeah, I need to make house tablets. I used up all my Lumby ones so I needed someone who had an eagle lectern to help me out. I'll PM you in game, thanks. And all my pics stop working! I can't find them, it's really making me mad. :(

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Week 5. *cricket chirps*




Week 5


Experience Gained - 1,413 xp


Experience Total - 1,700,362 xp


Levels Gained - none


Cash Earned - 39,250gp


Pure Essence Used - 157


Times PKed - 0


Times I PKed - 0


Beginning Weekly Rank - 2,279


Ending Weekly Rank - 2,307


Ranks Gained - -28


Notes: Gah! I can't stand the workload I have at my new school. I only get about 5 hours of me time and that's usually either eating dinner and doing my homework. Seems like I'm only going to be able to play on weekends now. In any case, I played DDR a lot this week and even placed 2nd at a tournament. :) Bye for now.




Tomorrow (9/19) is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Put on your best impressions, and even bust out that pirate hat that's been sitting in your bank! :D

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Gl, you look like your making good progress and using ffl is good, i never have done that, should do really. I'm 79 rc but havent hardcore trained rc for ages now, got 75 in January. Gl its going to be hard work but rewards are worth it :D

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65k nats! Yay! And Mullethair paid me back 15k nats (and my ranger boots) so he's debt free and I'm happy to have my stuff back. Um...I only have two classes tomorrow for school, but I have a lot of homework I put off doing, and tomorrow is half day, so with any luck I'll be able to play at least a little bit. Bye for now.

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