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Keyloggers and shared computers


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Long story short, my piece of *Censored word* little brother is constantly trying to hack my Runescape guy by downloading a keylogger. (Also ruining our computer completely by doing other things)




Sometimes his friends will call on the phone for him, but I'll answer the phone, and they'll tell me he's trying to hack my guy. Which I believe, since when I do a scan everyday, it brings up a keylogger report I have to remove everytime.




I was wondering, since my computer is a Dell XP Home edition...would a keylogger be able to hack my guy if I created another profile on the computer (With a password to get in) and did all of my Runescaping and other things on there? I'd love to have an answer quickly please.




My guy was once hacked before by logging on at one of his friends house, causing me to lose 1Mil. Reason it was only 1Mil in the end...is because once I found out, I went over to the kids house as fast as I could, went inside his house, held him against the wall and threatened him. He had also givin some of my stuff to his own friends, which it took a while to get back.




So, answers would be greatly appreciated. ::'

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I was wondering, since my computer is a Dell XP Home edition...would a keylogger be able to hack my guy if I created another profile on the computer (With a password to get in) and did all of my Runescaping and other things on there? I'd love to have an answer quickly please.


Basically yes you do get keyloggers that monitor all users on the pc, even if they are password protected.




Can't you just stop him from using the computer? If it's a family computer then tell your parents what he doing and say he is damaging the computer.


Either that or just show him who the bigger brother is, if you know what I mean.

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Couple questions. Is it a family computer? Is he installing this keylogger from his own account, or yours? What item in the house does he prize more than anything, and is it stealable? :lol:




If the computer is yours and yours alone, you can set a boot password through the bios (motherboard firmware), change your password and lock up the admin account, or, just go buy a locking doorknob so he can't get into your room.




If it's a family computer, you could always tell your parents what he's doing, make a few "changes" (change the keyboard layout settings *cough*) to make it look worse than it really is and get him banned from the computer.




Or you could always resort to the non-geek method Phil suggested and just beat him up till he stops. :lol:




Other than that, there isn't really much more you can do to stop him from installing things if he has physical access to an admin level account on the computer. :?

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I'm going to suppose that since they're using keyloggers against you they know what they're doing..






If it's a family computer, tell your parents. If they buy something online then your brother/others may be getting credit card info.. Which is bad if they decide to use it..




If it's your computer that you share with him then it may be time to get your parents to buy you a new computer. Or if you want to stoop to his level.. Well, we all know there's tons of keyloggers out there so why not start downloading stuff until you end up with one? Take a week or two off of Runescape (it won't kill you) and show him what it feels like to be screwed over by a loved one.. And if he's millions in the hole and still trying to steal your Runescape account, then take Phil's advice and show him who the bigger brother is. ;) If he's like my little bro then you'll get to show him who the bigger bro is many times...

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you can stop him simply by adding a password when the comp first boots up stoping form being able to boot the pc


press f2 when your comp is booting, once in ther elook around for th password thing, but dont change to many things if you dont know what your doing





Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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I'm going to suppose that since they're using keyloggers against you they know what they're doing.


Since they're using keyloggers against you, they're probably stupid script kiddies (unless they wrote their own)

[sig too big, don't do it again]

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