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ok there has to be something i can do about these scammers


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well i had my most shining moment of stupidity yesterday. i fell for the stupidest, oldest and most easy to catch scam ever. :wall: i was doing this only 10 times harder. but anyway, i was amazed the other day when i was at barrows when i got a guthans helm. now this is awsome! at least it would be if i didn't lose it all in a scam 10 minutes later :wall: :evil: so i just sold it for 2.2 mill (which i found out is also rather low) when i was in seers buying a whip now that i finaly had the money. so i see this guy "trading whip for seers ring" now i had no idea what a seers ring was or what it was worth. my fatel mistake. then i see this guy "selling seers ring 2 mill" how fricken stupid could i possibly be!!! so ya.... but thats not all!! i'm on rs right now and guess what!! they are at it again!!! they are standing right here doing the same thing again! and i've reported both of them but there really is nothing i can do!! and i feel really bad because i cant do anything and i dont want anyone else to fall for this scam. so what can i do!? can i msg jagex or what? if anyone is maybe a mod or anything or would like to help out by reporting these guys themselves they are in seers world 9 right now. they're names are if there is anything i can do to get these guys can someone please tell me?





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i've fallen for this scam one to many times. thats why i do most trades on the official forums now.




but just be careful and try to find prices first

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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yeah always just check with the offical forums but remember that "your" always the best way to help other people not fall for scam btw a seers ring like 750k i think i haven't checked prices lately, so not to bad, still a scam though

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DO NOT NAME NAMES!!! Even of low life scammers. The rules (http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=1150) will give you the complete reason but I understand why you want to warn people. Just don't do it here, though.






I would suggest asking (VERY nicely) the next pmod that you see if you can add them (explain why as well). They have the power to cause mutes which would prevent these scammers from scamming. The thing that you have to remember is that pmods are players too so you should NOT expect them to drop what they are doing and sprint to your location. Just ask them if they have the time and thank them anyway if they do not. This is far from fool-proof but it is just about the only way to get a chance at immediate action. Reporting them was correct and encouraged so always do that as well as asking (politely) for a pmod's help.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

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