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All 5 sigs are done, Check if yours is in.


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youve got a great style to your sigs! Beamo, watch out the mods are wining at me for gore so the sig you have now they might start 13ltching about :evil:








Yea I know, But the mods said that anyone who had a gory sig from Mixterxman before the rule applied was allowed to keep it (Changing my sig soon anyways and keeping Misterxman's on dif forums)


Check out my blog here!

Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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ok im back from dinner, xrhinox i will go over the name and put sohaib on it, and traxion i would want some pay for it since im knida broke but how much u think its worth?




lol oiler, srry school got in the way and i was working on some other sigs that nobody claimed.




im gonna get to all your sigs, dun worry



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ill take 1








drag chain drag sheild drag long drag med red chaps glory ammy white gloves/boots and have my friend Lazt Ancient have us doing sumthing it dun matter i don't know








and have me on the left and him on the right with our names in top corners have him in black drag hides glory ammy magic short and ranger boots








have us killing the new bug queen

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