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Help with Archer Monkey GreeGree


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I dont need help getting it, I just need to know this. Can you kill one of these archer monkeys while you are a monkey? And can I hurt my self on the agility course? And one more, how much are the monkey Greegrees at that shop on Ape Atoll?






Thanks for you answers :)


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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you cannot attack anything while you are a monkey. You can get hurt while using the agility course, but there are monkey nuts or pineapples (knife required to eat pineapples) located quite near the course. The monkey greegrees cost very little, no more than 100gp each I'm sure.

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Also, Can you go through that tunnel as a monkey?










~thnx~ :thumbsup:




Yea u can and u should, zombies won't attack you then.




It's easy to range the monkeys from the gaps between the houses and they won't throw you back into the jail then.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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I just walked out of temple with range prayer up and auto retaliate on... insant dead archer.




the talisman at the shop is 1k gold, make like 4 ninja gree if you plan on using the course.... easy to lose a gree, just ask the guy with 52+ million agility exp lol.




after about 68 agility or a bit less, you'll no longer need food for the course. fails drop off dramatically at 70 and are zero after 75.









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