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A question about links


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Well reading through your rules i need to clear up a few things before i think about posting my stuff.




The problem is, i have a photomanip i want to post. However the image itself isn't a sig and it's hosted on my DA account.




Am i allowed to link off to DA? I think anyone who's heard of it is fully awere it's a safe site.




If i'm not, well, there lies the problem, in order to use the stock/brushes for my manip i agreed to give full credit to the stock owners and brush creators (which, is fair enough.) but to credit them would involve linking off to DA anyway, so er..i guess what i'm trying to ask is:




Am i allowed to link off to DA?


If not, have you come across this problem before and have a solution?




Otherwise i guess i'll just have to skip it. :P

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Yes, you may link to DeviantArt. In the future if you have a question regarding rules please pm a mod or admin and we will be happy to assist you.




If you need other methods of hosting images please see our Rules, Faq and Resources sticky as it contains links to upload sites such as imageshack.




Happy Posting.







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