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::check this cool sig out::


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best sig i've seen in ages mate. The pixel guy is wickid, the large text works brilliantly, and i love the way you've gotten around a pure yellow background just by adding some smudges...reminds me of a sign you see in a warehouse.




10/10. That's the only 10 i've ever given. you earned it.

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the character looks good fits with the background




BUT: the one thing i keep staring at is the left bicep theres a outline on the bicep try putting a shad color on the inside-arm-outline (not on the outside




yea i c what you mean but it i reckon it's not really worth changing anyway.




10pts to vladmoney for spotting the kill Bill look :)

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i know i said b4 it wasn't worth fixing the arm but your words starting getting 2 me and really want to use a different sig but only if it is as good as my current sig...anyway i fixed the arm and i need 2 know if it's good enough to replace my current now? :x





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kill bill ofcourse!, i thought it seemed familiar, Good work vlad on seeing that :D








now for your sig, i just saw bicep, yes i think its a bit better looking, but i allready liked it as a whole.








For using it as your current, why not you can decide for yourself.




i cant choose between them i like your current one also, maybe try a sig rotater, this will lets you change sigs, with refresh of page or once a day.








here's a link if interessted, http://www.uzzisoft.com

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