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Meteoraga (Large Piece)


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@Nadril- Well it's supposed to be a high energy force collapsing inwards, so I wouldn't be suprised if it looked like a radial blur. :|




Thanks for comments.




Weeboab..you're scaring me with your affection to my work. :shock:

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@Nadril- Well it's supposed to be a high energy force collapsing inwards, so I wouldn't be suprised if it looked like a radial blur. :|




Thanks for comments.




Weeboab..you're scaring me with your affection to my work. :shock:




Yeah I know. I was just saying is that it's kind of boring (I think). Not much going on except for a bunch of shiny stuff flying to the center.

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I'm all for simplicity, minimalistic wallpapers :) .






What I would do with this (personaly) is at least make it so that the focus isn't dead in the middle. Generaly your eye just gets dragged to the middle without looking at much else. (and considering it's the brighest thing, and it's in the middle...)




Just something to think about realy. I've tried doing these kind of wallpapers before (ones with a dead focus in the center, very Radial-blur looking) and they just don't work out that well. You don't necisarily need "more", it just needs to be different and not almost the same around the board.

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Yeah. Agreed. I might try something like that. But right now, It's not that it's the same. It's supposed to be shiny stuff flying to the center :P . So, your opinioin stands, and so does mine. But I thank you for your comment. It's always nice when you have some different views from different styles of artistic value.




I apologize if I sounded in any way harsh in my last post.

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Yeah. Agreed. I might try something like that. But right now, It's not that it's the same. It's supposed to be shiny stuff flying to the center :P . So, your opinioin stands, and so does mine. But I thank you for your comment. It's always nice when you have some different views from different styles of artistic value.




I apologize if I sounded in any way harsh in my last post.




Yeah it's all good :) .




I was just speaking from personal experiences, usualy stuff like that don't work out.

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