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My latest pixel


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Hey, heres my latest pixel, made it for kamikaze (a.k.a shadowsmage) on rv, i'm known as ZxC there too




Things that I know:


-The phat guy head is too small and akward


-The guy leaning on the tree doesn't look like leaning


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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The lighter portions of the sky need to be blended better i.e. dithered.




The ground is really boring.




The head on the phat guy is not centered on the shoulders.




The dithering at the bottom of the phat guys's skirt is too obvious.



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ready to be pounded by critizem? oops... i mean CONSTRUCTIVE critisizm... (spelling both times)




~deshin on shield is bad


~stars are vybcged yo ub sine okaces,,,


~the guy with dharaks looks like hes got an arrow through his chest... thats actually a good idea lol... make a ranbger shooting arrows at him.. and him pinned by then up to the tree...


~your axe is to short of a handle, and to long of a blade


~the angle in which the guy with the brassys arm is from the chest isnt right..


~the guy with the brassy'sarm narrows to fast, and needs to have a curve where the elbo is


~the glory on the same guy is to small


~the guy with guthans looks like he is wearing a hard leather body... add [bleep]es


~enlarge the green dragon and teh guy fighting it... when i first saw it, i thought it was grass...


~the guy with guthans botem hand is to small..


~guthans chain skirts has huge boot things that come up to your knees


~the whip is to short... (looks more like a piece of string rofl...)






no need for thanks





wop wop

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some tips on what u can improve:


-your shading is way to soft. this make is look realy 2D


-not only the p-hat guys head is off center but the other dude as well.


-just overal detail. but maybe this is because it still a wip and detail is mostley the last step.


-if u want the guy on the tree to look like wounded and down on the ground suporting his waith on his arm.


-U should move him a few pixels down, so far that the bottom of


his but is few pixels below the trunk of the tree.


-make the angle between the legs and tors sharper


- repoition the feet.


- some more things that will probebely come to when U'll do the


above things. So the anatomy would get patatoet up.


-the ground is realy plain


- I would aa the stars a bit more


- and the lighter spot in the sky i would make it come up higher even out of the mmm verry small canion


- but verry good u did light to dark from buttom to top most people go wrong there

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