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Perhaps a subtle message from Jagex...?


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As most of you know, there is a random event, the Pinball random. Also, there were pentagrams strewn across the land of Runescape which were soon after removed due to misinformed ranters shouting about "satanic symbols" while these pentagrams, unlike the inverted "evil" ones, were upright, symbolising old pagan beliefs in nature or the like.




I recently got the random and looked around and noticed something odd.








The five points of the pentagram represent fire, earth, water, air and ether, or nature, being the four elements combined. If you look closely, on top of the 5 pillars are 5 runes : fire, earth, water, air and nature.




A subtle "screw you" from Jagex to ranters or misguided ramblings of a wandering pirate? You decide...




PS: The picture is from Tipits random database.

On the flip side, it's been proven that women are probably better mothers

Yes I have balls, but they melted.
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The INVERTED one is a "satanist" symbol, while the one with a point pointing up is something good, meanings depend on wherever you heard the satory. Whatever, the main thing is that the noth-pointing one is good.

On the flip side, it's been proven that women are probably better mothers

Yes I have balls, but they melted.
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Slightly off topic, but I always thought pentagrams were protective symbols, in that a demon or entity could not pass one or leave one if it were stood on it.




Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!




This is true, in a way. The purpose of the pentagram is to protect the world from the demon that is being conjured or summoned, the act of which is generally accepted to be evil.




The use of such symbology in a game scenario does not mean that the game designers are evil or trying to pull a fast one.




In terms of RS, there is strong mixture of the imagined mythology of the designers (Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak) and "real" mythology (Camelot comes to mind). I have not personally noticed anything overtly evil or occultist within the RS environment. Generally speaking, most of the symbology is consistent with the RS mythology, with only a few references to real-world symbology (notably the occasional use of the pentagram).




If it appeared to me that RS was overtly wiccan, new-age, occultist, etc, I, for one, would not play it. On the same token, if it overtly promoted the symbology of any major religions, it wouldn't be as popular as it is.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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Slightly off topic, but I always thought pentagrams were protective symbols, in that a demon or entity could not pass one or leave one if it were stood on it.




Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!




This is true, in a way. The purpose of the pentagram is to protect the world from the demon that is being conjured or summoned, the act of which is generally accepted to be evil.




Thanks, for clearing that up for me.




Back on topic, I dont really think it is a two finger salute at the "whingers", but merely a means of decoration for the random event. :-k



99sig.jpg <----- First 99 - 20/02/10, also Vhellcats Birthday!!

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The five points on a pentagram actually represent:
















So it was probably just put there because it seemed logical. The upside-down pentcle is a satanist symbol. A pentagram and a pentacle are two different things. A pentagram is most often used when it's a star with a circle but a pentacle is just the star.


11/30/06 - Quit RuneScape

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Somebody is a tad too paranoid~

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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Out of fairness I'd like to point out that many common symbols today are of pagan origin, the Easter Bunny and Christmas tree formost among them.




The Easter Bunny was originally a fertility god (ya know how bunnies multiply :wink: )


and the Christmas Tree was a traditon among early Germanic tribes in which prisoners were placed into a giant wicker tree which was then lit on fire.




Christianity later adopted these symbols in a effort to help convert pagans and because christian holidays (Easter and Christmas) occured at roughly the same time as the older pagan festivals

Barrows Items: Karils Xbow x2, Coif


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