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Is it a clan? Not really, is it fun? Most probally.


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Im thinking of making a group with a website that does fun events, when you sign up to the site, you specify your combat level and what kind of stuff you like (such as castle wars, house parties, pest control and things like that). Then every time a event comes along, we either email you, or pm you on the site forum.




All events will be controlled and hopfully it will make lonely players some more friends.




You suggestions and anyone that would like to help me?





Merry Crimbo!


Click on my signature to see my NEW blog!

Clicky here to see my YouTube videos! http://www.youtube.com/volkswagen99videos

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Hmm, not really, i made it ages ago, under the name, Realm of Runescape. We had about 100 members until i kinda gave up because people were just spamming, and we had a noob that just kept posting stuff, he had his ip behind a proxy server so i couldent stop him. I finally got past him and killed him from the site.




No, the site is not very good, but if people think its a good idea i will make it much better. (And maybe even get a domain for it.)




I hope to make something as powerful (if not more powerful) than TET :-$

Merry Crimbo!


Click on my signature to see my NEW blog!

Clicky here to see my YouTube videos! http://www.youtube.com/volkswagen99videos

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Check out SODB








why re-create the wheel




As far as i know, SODB stands for slayers of dangerous beasts. I'm talking everything, (within reason) that is fun in Runescape. All events would probally be suggested by members.

Merry Crimbo!


Click on my signature to see my NEW blog!

Clicky here to see my YouTube videos! http://www.youtube.com/volkswagen99videos

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Prehaps, with permission of the OoC.


Are they still around? :shock:




I applied to join a while ago, but probablly got deleted due to my inactivity when I took a looong break from RS. I had their website bookmarked, but it doesn't exist anymore.

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Cabbage bombings sound fun :)




and also random wilderness exploration and massacre by some pk clan. those are so nice, imagine a team of explorers in full bronze getting whiped by 1 mage :D




i could join and i think i can do some basic html coding if you need that kind of stuff.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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Ill join for sure because im dont like the whole clan thing anymore where you must attent this or that ide much prefer the sounds of this.


of and this Slayer of dangerous beasts Group whats there website ive been wanting people to go kill KBD etc with =)


"Boredom got me playing, Boredom stops me from playing. It's a vicious cycle."

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