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A small Addtion to the Duel Arena


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Ever wanted to practice your team work without losing all your lovely items and rares? Now is the time to practice against specialy new enemies found in the desert! Of course, the way to do it is simple, when your entering, there will be a message saying "Do you want to bring any freinds in?" then you type a name at a time and then once your finished, your off to the arena, the monsters are quite random, such as one of them could do range attacks or melee attack or even switch attack style! It's like fight caves so until your whole party is defeated, you will be teleported to the Duel Arena Lobby and you will see your results. You gain some Exp from this but not very much, you can take this on your own if you wish. When you die you don't loose your items, there is also a nice little area where you can sit and watch people how they work together incase you don't know how to defeat a certain monster. There will be 4 arenas with walls and an open space. Hope you like this idea ^.^

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Good idea. You know, there are like 6 arenas in the dueling arena, but I've only ever seen 2 get used. If two more are set up as multi-combat areas that require a certain number of players to participate, it would be cool.




Understandably, Castle Wars gives you the ability to do what you are suggesting, too, but if you're able to set up a wildy-like environment (team vs team), but in the safety of the arena, I think this idea would fly.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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I support, very nice idea.




Small addition: You can see before the fight who else would be fighting. This way you wouldnt get cleaned out if there are 6 Level 120s on the opponents team and you didnt know until you started the fight.

Retired 8th October 2007 | 99 Fishing | 99 Cooking | Owner of a Red Mask and 2 Santa Hats |

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I definately support, especially with Potter Pker's idea. It also be really good for clan wars where neither of the clans wanted to lose anything and just wanted to fight to see who was stronger.


Im not an addict or anything...but I just cant give it up.
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I support, very nice idea.




Small addition: You can see before the fight who else would be fighting. This way you wouldnt get cleaned out if there are 6 Level 120s on the opponents team and you didnt know until you started the fight.


Umm...I'm not sure, but I think he means that you and your friends on your own take on your own monsters, like fight pits without other people and without the waiting and killing the other people, but I'm not sure, so don't quote me on it.




Even more on-topic: Small addition, you would be fighting against other things that you might actually face in the arena...Like you would set rules and they would actually be human, like people you might face in the arena, say, they use ancients, so you would learn how to fight them, and in time, be able to beat them. Suggestion asside, well done! Good idea, support!

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Yeah and what kingbd said we fight sara mages with ddps and sara strike, so why not a npc with ancient mages or a whip or something. Of course these monsters/people would be hard to kill and probably wouldnt drop anything but it would be fun \'

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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i think that this is very similar to when its just down to a few people at the fight pits, but in another sense, i like it...could work out. Wat i say to how this works is a POH portal like situation. You walk in the portal and all ur friends on that world in that area would recieve a message if they'd like to join. ANyway, just say what the monsters would be k?

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