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Pizzalord's blog: Takin' a break.

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10/9/2006: 11:38 AM




Well last night i made my pest control goal of 80 magic, and am now starting to think about getting bones to peaches spell, as it would make my ankou killing trips last miles longer. The idea of eating the bones of the dead though does not appeal to me... <.<




Still, i'd better get back to actual work in runescape. My house is coming up awesome, and i only have the gilded altar left to build. However, i decided to scrap my triple figure combat party in favor of a christmas eve party. The million Gp and opulent table flatpack will still be up for offer in the party chest, but i am now aiming higher than before, so expect that list to be added to.




While i'm sitting here thinking, maybe i could aim higher in construction in that time, and have a few extra features ready for the party...




GAH! The urge to train construction has returned, but i have no monies free to do so D:




Now its time for me to stop blogging for the day, and get on with some actual work :roll:




Flash animation project status: sod all =p




Feel free to drop a PM ingame if you feel like it. For now, i must be off.




4:01 PM




Now gathering a suit of armor and weaponry for the spartan invasion here. I haven't recived any actual messages ingame, so if you feel like it, or have any opinions about the blog, please feel free to tell me.




Until next time readers,




Good nigh!












Bones to peaches unlocked - Got it! \'




Mournings end part 2 completed - Done, dusted, ka-put.




85 attack - done \'




85 strength - 4 levels away




80 magic - now 81 \'

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Nah, i'm messing with you. I'm actually at college right now, and i have an hour to kill. So, i thought i'd start off with the first entry to today's reading for you lucky people.




So today we were assigned to create a music poster to promote a new group. We had to use photoshop, something i'm used to. I would show you the work i have done so far, but the file size is too big to be hosted on imageshack. I'll change the size so you can view it later if you so wish.




As for my flash project, i was thinking something along the lines of a stickman style matrix fight to begin with, then i will add in character models and background/ graphic effects to bulk out the animation. The actual drawing part i haven't got the hang of yet. #-o




As for runescape, i'm currently working on getting the bones to peaches spell.




Anyways, i'd better be off, this room is about to be flooded with students, so i'll write back later, hopefully with the fruits of my labour later on.




Entry 2




Well its lunch, and i'm bored stiff yet again. These computers can't play any multiplayer game due to the evil server firewall, so its pretty much caused this day to become boring during the free periods. As for flash, i started just a little bit of it, getting some characters drawn. I've opted for a worms style design, with detached hands/fists and feet. I find its a very fluid way to animate, and the end result is entertaining. =D>




Expect to see the finished one soon!




P.S. I know you lot are reading this by the amount of views :XD:




This will probably be my last post until around 6pm when i actually have acess to runescape!




EDIT: updated the first post with my current goals.




EDIT 2: did a bit of character design and saved in paint for your viewing pleasure, drawn in flash! \'






Entry 3




Well, i'm back home, and am now heading for world 99. As for the blog, i'm gonna close for the night, but please, do drop me a hyt if you see me ingame. (hint: i'm at the mage training arena right now :-$ )




Gonna finish off my current stock of natures, then gonna craft some more so i may finish what i started last night.




My private chat is always on, so please message me if you have any questions. Also, to answer what someone asked me earlier, yes, i am slightly insane.




Until next time readers,




Good fry!





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Well, i hit a block in my quest to create a custom animated signature this week, in the form of the fact that i haven't figured out how to draw sideways, lol.




And i currently have a new runescape fan flash in the works entitled


"The great party hat war". Its a shame, i never see any decent work about runescape at the sites i visit. They seem to be about the comedy, but to this date i have never seen one make me laugh, or a hand-drawn animation for that matter.




Still, i did animate a banner advert today for a basic music website, so it seems i am not completly useless :XD:




As for college, tomorrow is my study day, which means i will probably be at home unless for some stupid reason i decide to go in and practice ::'




For tonight and probably most of tomorrow, i will be in the mage training arena on world 99, if you feel like coming in and giving me moral support before i become even more deranged than usual, i will appreciate it.




As for the lack of what i hope will be a reccuring feature, flash art, i apologize, as all the decent computers were taken when i was going to upload the actual art to the system :roll:




Expect to see some on thursday.




Feel free to drop me a hyt ingame, i ain't gonna be leaving here for a looooooong time. :wall:




P.S. more posts would be appreciated please :wink:

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I swear that this building hates me. Every single game is just taking ages to get the points i need, and i still need to make some laws yet. #-o




If you hadn't guessed, i'm talking about the mage training arena. I still haven't got everything i am needing to get bones to peaches, and when i do that will make it all the sweeter.




Theres one thing i am looking forward to as i catalouge my animation and runescape adventures, and that is the actual posts of opinions of the people of this board. I brought up the issue yesterday, and yet none of the readers posted. In other words, don't be shy, just please at least a message.




If you have any suggestions for "The great party hat war" please leave some! I do have some ideas for it already, but i would like to hear from other people what they think of this project, and if there is anything they would like to see in particular. Remember, no naming of people unless they have given their permission to be in the film (Example: yourself!).








My god, am i starting to sound serious? :XD:




Remember that this is a comedy project, and would like to hear EVERYTHING, including the downright ridiculous!




As for now, i'm going to head online world 99, so i will read any messages you may have for me later.




EDIT: woot, 81 mage! \'

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I have begun to notice a distinct lack of funny in these topics, so as to make this one a bit more... spontaneous... i will post a question each day that i expect an answer that is either thought provoking, ludicrous or just plain obvious, and the best answer by the next day wins a prize ingame!




Today's prize: 100 law runes!




Today's question: Why would anyone build a sonic screwdriver?




On another note, i am now veeeeery close to bones to peaches after two days work. Expect a related prize in the near future!




EDIT: bones to peaches get! \'




EDIT 2: Rofl, sup new pixel avatar?

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For the competition:




Cause I said so -.- jk




To screw screws at sonic speeds? The real question is what would happen if Sonic the Hedgehog used one?

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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Ankous have excellent drops of blood and death runes. Oh, and Hi everyone, thanks for entering! I will leave the competition open till i get home tonight.




As for college, i started a new signature for Robert Rdam, and i thought i'd share with you lot the progress:








EDIT: added my watermark, no stealing it now :shame:




As for now minions, i am off to start my own signature!




AWAY! *flies off*




Will be back later \'

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I managed to make my signature, but it still needs a little work on. Thats gonna take too long in the time i have left here today, though, so i will fix it tomorrow :roll:




Anyway, i'm not decided on what to do on Runescape, probably killing Ankou again when i get back. I will also announce the winner of yesterdays competition, and upload a new one!




I also made a lot of progress in animation, my current signature is the most advanced i have done yet. If you have ever tried to use flash, you'll know why. =D>




I will see you all tonight when i come back on, and back to college tomorrow for more animation! \'




Until my next entry, see ya readers! :thumbsup:

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I can reveal that Ajaxiscool has won the competition! My personal reply would have been "to make sonic shelves", but ah well! His entry made me snort my coffee up my nose, so well done to you sir! Drop me a message ingame to claim your prize!




I have a new question, and this one only has one true answer! This competition will remain open for a week until i reveal the correct answer, the prize being a selection 50 spell tabletsof the winner's choice! Remember there is one true answer to this question, and you are going to have to think outside of the box for this one :XD:




The question is: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?




I wish you all good luck in finding the answer, and a new question shall be posted the next day after this competition ends!




EDIT: i have realised i am offering a members prize. As a result, if you are a freeplayer i am offering 75k gp as an alternate prize.

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too easy question. i remember i saw that somewhere else and google came out with a load of results :P




i know there is a load of results, but which one is the one i might be thinking of? :wink:




Like i said, you have to think outside of the box \'




EDIT: sorry, i took on too much info about the Wii, and my heart has cried out with joy =D

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