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Oh... The Irony!


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80rc, closest any abby pker came to killing me was getting me to 30hp left, the abby pkers bearly denet the price








Your signature is an oxymoron. Please take it off.















No it's not.












I really don't believe that you actually think RC PKers kill enough RCers to actually affect anything, they get a pk what, every few hours, because they're just too stupid to know how to kill a defenseless person, what more someone with armour.








I absolutely hate RC PKers, I know it' well within the rules, but it's just low. I don't mind losing the glory or pouches, hey, they earnt the glory.(Snicker) Pouches I get them back no problem, BUT the one thing that ticks me off is their bloody arrogance. I'm sorry, but how is taking 4 entangles to kill me, without food, and in dragonhide, "Owning" me?








They're like "Ty for glory lawl", or "P00ned rofl". I come back with 10 rune arrows with my mage bow, not even dragnohide, with sharks, and they already bolt for the nearest exit.








Sorry, went off on a tangent.








Anyway, like I said before, they do not kill enough to actually make a real dent in the economy, or whatever you want to call it, and you must be joking if you think an RCer will give up RCing, even temporarily, after being PKed, they're RuneCrafting, for crying out loud, it shows how patient and resilient they are, a puny RC Pker isn't going to stop them.

Known formerly as Ameoba3000.


Now known as Vigoss.

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On Topic: We have 4 ways to avoid abyss pkers








Pk Them




Teleport Out if they entangle you




Run to Zamorak Mage if they teleblock you




Ancient Magicks Edgeville Teleport to save your glory








You should be able to avoid Abyss Pkers with any of those 4.








Make that 5... you can make home teleport tablets to tele you home & use the glory at the wall there... Not like you'll miss a tele-table or two if you get killed anyways :-k

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On Topic: We have 4 ways to avoid abyss pkers








Pk Them




Teleport Out if they entangle you




Run to Zamorak Mage if they teleblock you




Ancient Magicks Edgeville Teleport to save your glory








You should be able to avoid Abyss Pkers with any of those 4.








Make that 5... you can make home teleport tablets to tele you home & use the glory at the wall there... Not like you'll miss a tele-table or two if you get killed anyways :-k








Point taken. This doesn't mean that people still don't get killed.



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On Topic: We have 4 ways to avoid abyss pkers








Pk Them




Teleport Out if they entangle you




Run to Zamorak Mage if they teleblock you




Ancient Magicks Edgeville Teleport to save your glory








You should be able to avoid Abyss Pkers with any of those 4.








Make that 5... you can make home teleport tablets to tele you home & use the glory at the wall there... Not like you'll miss a tele-table or two if you get killed anyways :-k








Make that 6, you can go around the river every now and then to confuse them

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although i myself have never abyss crafted ive heard alot about them most of them being stupid meanies who are greedy








but ya i wonder if this thread has changed any of their oppinions as it makes perfect sense



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Abyss PKers alch for Magic EXPassumption, how do you know that abby pkers alch for mage xp? Don't most people?




> Complant about high nat pricesThe fluctuation of prices of nature runes is due to the fact that the rcers have to pay 100gp for ess. The fact that there's pkers hardly effects the prices.




> PK RCers for cashIf you consider 80k a day good cash then sure. I doubt that rc pkers get that much




> Less RCersJust because an rcer gets pked doesnt mean he doesnt rc




> Less nature runes in circulation see previous




> High nature rune pricesOnce again, pure ess




> everyone complainsthsi is expected in RS.








:D Have a good day.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Did I say that this had that big of an effect?




No, quit making such a big deal out of things.








Okay so you admit it's not a big deal. Then why post it? So you admit it's spam if the discussion is kind of worthless. It's not even speculation.








Therefore, this thread should be locked immediately because the author specifically called the effects of what the discussion is about insignificant.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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