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Runescape politics???


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you get to know people on tip it, which u can never do in game due to the chat limitations.








Selling/Buying stuff is so much easier.








Easy way to get advice from more experienced players.








Learning about new updates that came out, bugs, etc

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well, i like to do manual calcs :P




easy enough to do, since u know the xp u gain per whatever-u-do, and xp needed, simple division :)








Guess to me, too much of auto stuff is just plain lazy :P

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kinda off the current topic, but runescape politics....hmm....








I've been thinking, u can't really have politics without.................




Nations! :D . Player run nations. Now this would make everyone happy, there could be clashes between nations, even full scale wars. Non violent people could help as well, though it would take an enormous amount of time, effort, and organization. Consider it a huge clan, with many many people in charge.... you could do it...








One of the biggest differences would be that you would be able to impeach and vote for your leader... Give it some thought.








I can elaborate, but i gave u the general idea. If i see a lot of ppl are interested I'll post more info on this idea.

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One of the biggest differences would be that you would be able to impeach and vote for your leader... Give it some thought.




Yeah this sounds like an exciting idea, but imagine the "leaders" would be high lvl pkers or skill totalers, could imagine the corruption that would eventually happen.

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corruption wouldn't be that bad, we can just kick out the ppl we dont like :twisted: But i think it would be great not just for the war/battles part, but for all of the members of the nations.








Now to get jagex to let us have player owned castles.... :lol:








Oh and leaders arent chosen by combat, there chosen by who they are. A lvl 3 could be a much greater leader then some mindless lvl 80 pker. I doubt that someone that kills mindlessly for a living would be voted for, and even if he was, he wouldnt last very long.

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There would have to be some governmental system involved mayb e a house and maybe every 2 or 3 months the citizens elect a new president. And there would have to be some process in which to change citizenship. But if anything I'd live in Falador... Mining Guild :D :D :D

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ya A political group would be a great advancement to runescape... and maybe there is a president for every world in every city








that would be great..... It would take A LOT of cordination though to do elections and find people to elect and all that crap becasue everyone would want to be president

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Maybe i'll make a thread where we can talk about the meaning of life? Perhaps you should rethink your post and specify certain aspects of political america and even foreign policy before you decide to ask us about something completely random. Maybe even give us your opinion?

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Guest Incr3dibl3
rune prices won't rise nor fall they will just stay at the same level because now that more people runecraft there are more runes out in the market to buy so why waste time craftin your own if you're a mage








Rune prices are influenced by two supply factors- shops and prices of rune essence- and the demand of each kind of rune. As a general rule of thumb, you currently expected to pay 10gp each per rune. Of course specialty runes, such as chaos, death, nature etc. have different prices.








Joncaront is right, because with the price of essence anywhere from 20-40gp each, its is much faster and easier to buy runes than craft them.








Now. Some more economy stuff.








Where do I see the RS economy? Well. Its really screwed over. Prices of items have dropped dramatically, yet at the same time, the prices of raw materials such as ores and bars have leaped.








My theory on the rune price crash:








Earlier in the thread, there were complaints of inflation. Inflation? I would say most people are on the verge of going broke as prices for Rune items are droppping daily. I remember the great rune price crash. What caused it? Well, I think it was due to a number of factors. Naturally, you would think its because of the amount of rune smithers/miners. To a large extent, indeed it might've been, but I think the true cause was the invention and apparition of the 1 def pure. 1 def pures sprouted up uncontrollably in late 2002, and the amount of rune weapon and armour kills increased. Now there are more rune items on the market for sale, which obviously led to a price crash. R2hs droppped from 150k to 120k, then to 90k, then to a further 75k, 60k and 50k.








There was a second rune price crash during the advent of RS2. The new combat system has done some irreversible damage to the economy. For starters, the new system rendered two-handed swords virtually useless. Now, for the past year, the RuneScape economy had beeen running on the price of Rune 2hs. Previously rich people with many 2hs now became poor as they couldn't sell their goods. Consquently the price of rune 2hs dropped with demand. At the same time, the scimitar, a previously unheralded weapon, became the preferred weapon of choice. However, for some unbeknowst reason, the general price of these scimitars has never risen above 40k, despite low supply and high demand. Also, the new combat system rendered most pure pkers useless, and thus the desire for rune weaponry was stemmed.








Any thoughts? Queries? Questions? I'd like to hear your theories on why Rune dropped its value.

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generally, i think that the rune weapons and armour drop gradually is because of the incrising number of rune smithers as time goes by..

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unless Jagex put like some limit what i don't know... maybe years played lol I've played ever since the beginning 5 YEARS!!!




Wow you've been playing before it was released....




I don't trust this guy. Maybe that's why he's becoming a politician :roll:

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  • 1 year later...

Its even longer now.








A nice idea to add kings and such to each town and world but what would they really do. Changing prices would take a chunk out of econamy. And thats about it

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Honestly, runecrafting doesnt effect rune prices at all. While most players would disagree, as they see the prices of everything as a cause and effect rule (somebody quits and has a phat set, they go down), it's not really as simple as that. Although tons of natures are crafted, it hasn't made prices lower. Nature prices have went up since rs1. Since they're half xp now, we will double the price of a nature which is 300 now, and that's 600. We paid 450 or 500 max on rs1 for natures. There's a huge demand for nature runes right now, because they're really one of the best ways to level up magic and alch bows people fletch, so people will pay whatever it takes, and they pay the amount they can afford without losing too much money. That's 300 gp each. Anyways, runecrafting probably has an effect on the amount of runes brought into the world. It lowered cosmic prices a whole lot. But there's just too much of a demand on some runes for them to change in price because of runecrafting. People will pay the most money to get the trade when competing to buy. So they won't drop that much, if at all.
on the contrary, rune crafting is the most significant reason why nature runes are at their price now. think about it this way: wat would happen if




a:all nature rune crafters dissapeared? surely no rune shop has the stocking ability to take over the massive number of nats being created for the sole purpose of high alching.




b:say there was an average of 100 natures (im assuming that they are crafted)per every 1 nature needed by a person. would the price stay the same? of course not








as for real examples of flux's in rune prices:




.rsc-best way to obtain natures was by theiving the chest, and thus rune prices were extremely high (as of right now around 600 per nature in the rsc market)




.abyss crafting-greatly reduced time needed in order to refill inventory with essence and to travel to altar. result-lowest rs forum price went from 350 down to 300, and highest rs forum price went from 400-350

R.I.P. Shiva

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