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Buying Pixel Sig! Experts And Legends Only! ;)


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Name: Gooey_Duck








Colors: Im a fan of blue, black or red. Whatever you think best suits.








Style: Pixel








Pictures: Myself in Drag Med, Drag Chain, Drag Shield, Rune Legs, And Drag Battle. In the wildy at night, with rune rocks in the back ground, and maybe even some major loot in the background after killing someone, as well Lava is a key thing because I really love my lava. As well I want it to basically face the camera technique with the dragon battle looking very fierce and have with a nice stance on the character.








Other Info: No need for other info, you basically have to pay for another sig once you get a higher combat level or whatever. So please do not include anything else.












I pay on the quality from either 25k to 1mill. Maybe even more, it depends on the quality.








Remember Kids: More the sexier = more the cash

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Guest Chatmasta

Well this will be my first pixel sig but I was planning on doing one like this anyway so I may as well enter.








It may be my first, but I got photoshop skillz. :D So it won't be THAT bad. Will it? :P

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Guest Chatmasta

I got some of the guy done. God that was annoying as heck. :lol: Oh well, I'll try and finish the rest of the outline tomorrow.








Is it ok if I'm using a profile (side) view of the guy?I have a good idea, it should turn out pretty well.

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Well, you've set the scene well enough, but you really haven't told us about your character...








So before I can even get HIM done and begin the background, I need to know what he looks like. :o








Hair color? Long? Short? Moustache? Goatee?








Let me know Mr. ASAP. :P

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Here's what I have so far.
















Tons of shading and I've only done the guy. The axe and legs aren't completely done yet...and he'll end up changing with the environment. E.G. more shadows/light blah blah.








Have a lot planned for the BG.

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ok ive been working on it, but i g2g now. this is what i have:
















needs alot done, but tell me what u think












hmm where have i seen that style b4 :D








I forgot who :oops:








but uh, they posted a progress thingy of their uber 1337 pixel sig. It was showing th back of a guy (you could only see his head and shoulders) and he was looking into the background where you could see some divisions in an army which were next to a lake and infront of some mountains.








Is that it? ;)

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ok ive been working on it, but i g2g now. this is what i have:
















needs alot done, but tell me what u think




















lol looks similar to one i made for soemone ... we must have same minds.
















U can buy that one if u want ... just need to get rid of it.

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Guest Chatmasta

Shaw owns. :shock:








That is amazing!!








But I really thik this profile shot should be good. I think it will give it the feeing that he is tough, you know? You can't do that very well with straight on shots.








Do you want him wearing a long sleeve or short sleeve shirt?

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