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The tale of Radon (1-10)


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Chapter 1








"Zomg prayer nub!" Came from the dying corpse, but Radon did not care. The piles of dragon bones he had burried had given him favor with the Gods, and his prayers for strength were commonly answered.








"It was you who forgot to turn prayer off..." Radon muttered under his breath, smiling as he picked up the dragon long sword and 200k off the ground. Another day of good dueling it had been, stacking piles upon piles of money, and collecting dragon weapons.








His own weapons were dirty, splashed with the blood of the slain. He pulled out the fine cloth in his bank and wiped it down. It showed his refelection. 15, average height, short hair. His blue eyes were the kind that people get lost in, and almost mocked those killed by him.








He was a warrior beyond his age. He killed his first Giant rat at age three. He had skill with black weaponry at age 6. He mastered a runite longsword by 10. He was now holding his Dragon Battle-Axe, wearing his runeite plate armor, and wearing the helmet of a fremmink berserker.








He walked away from the desert arena. He walked north, to the city of Varrock, where he would sell some of his loot to a powerful, old merchant. He payed well for what he would claim at the arena.








He pocketed the money, another hefty sum, and went to his home, using a tablet a mage-friend of his had given to him. His level 70 Construction had given him a nice home, and his butler always had his bed made and nightly tea on his bed stand. He downed his tea, and slept. Another great day of duels, and more money in the bank.








The butler sat in the Parlour. He read one of the many books his master had recieved through is questing. But that quiet night was broken by the sound of someone breaking through the portal. Before he rang the alarm bell, a crossbow bolt went through his head, and into his skull. The butler fell to the floor. The home had been invaded, and Radon still slept quietly in his bed.








The night was going to get a lot less quiet.








Chapter 2








Blades clashed. A runeite shortsword on a shining white blade. A young boy fought his father, an accomplished knight, a General of the White Knight's highest order. The man brought down his white blade on his son, who brought his Rune sword to counter. He slid under his father's arm, and ramed his shoulder into his chest. His father flew, hitting the old oak tree in the front yard.








"Ha! Good show my boy!" His father said. " I'll make a white knight of you yet!" The Boy shook his head. "No father, I do not want to be a white knight. That life, with all of those codes and rules, has become corupt. I want to become a wandering knight, helping the weak and defeating evil. On. My. Own."








"Son, I was a white knight, my father was a white knight, and his father was a white knight," His father said, "and you will keep that family blood line alive."








"Well maybe the future isn't set in stone!" The boy yelled. It would be their last conversation.








Chapter 3








A glass had shattered. That was what he had heard. Radon jumped out of bed, and picked up his Dagger. He had always kept his dragon dagger super poisoned under his pillow. Well, he moved it when it poked him in the butt when he sat on his pillow once, but it was always in his bedstand.








His training with the gnomes and his trials in burthrope had made him much like a ninja, allowing him to quietly sneak through his home. He peaked around the corner. His cat slept in the kitchen. He didn't know how long he had had his cat, but he loved it. He had chosen to name it...








His thought was finished by a hammer swinging throught the air. The cat was turned into a Pancake. Radon's eyes teared up a little. That cat had been one of his few true friends. Now it was splattered all over his kitchen.








Radon jumped out, and plunged his dagger into the hammerman's heart. The blade did dammage, the poison did the rest. He fell to the floor.








"You shall pay for that!" Came from the shadows. A Dragonstone tipped runeite bolt flew through the air and turned into an inferno, a tiny amount of ore shot from a crossbow and become a cloud of fire shot from a red dragon's mouth.








The flame hit Radon, and he hit, and went through, the wall. He got to his feet, slowly, and looked at his opponet. His Black Dragonhide made him blend with the shadows, but the moon showed him. His mouth was the only thing that showed, his hood covered the rest, but that mouth had a mile wide smile.








"If you think I'm going down that easily," Radon said, slowly rising, "Then you're about as smart as the slab of granite on top of your friend's maul."








Chapter 4








The Year before....








"Radon! Back so soon? How was the Desert?" Samantha, or just Sam, was one of Radon's few friends, and was a barmaid at a tavern in Varrock. She always looked out for him, and seems to "Mistakenly" leave a free beer where Radon would sit.








"Dry, sandy, and filled with monsters trying to kill me," Radon mumbled, "It would make a great vacation spot..." Radon was still having trouble getting sand out of his desert clothes.








"That's my Radon, Mr. Cheerful." Sam looked over her shoulder. The owner was asleep in the back room. "Looks like you could use a drink. We just got a shipment from the Barbarians north of Camalot, they make a good ale!"








Radon looked out the window. A body flew past, a bloddy, beaten pulp.








"Uh, Sam? I think you'd better head in the back room, It looks like..."








He was cut off. A Large man had kicked the door in. It flew across the bar, towards Radon and Sam. Radon jumped across the counter, and tackled Sam to the floor.








"Get out here, and give me the Girl! She'd fetch a pretty penny on the slave market!" The man was about as fat as an ogre, sounded about as smart as an ogre, and smelled about as good as an ogre. Where were his noseplugs for slayer when he needed them?"Or maybe I'll keep her myself! I need someone to entertain the guests at my house!"








The man let out a bone chilling laugh. His armor, an odd shade of green, was on the verge of breaking under the man's huge gurth. The man had eaten one to many Chocolate Bombs. The man held a Runeite Scimatar, and in the other hand a shield that had once belonged to the Tazzar.








Radon was slowly moving around the bar, crawling like the drill demon had taught him. He had his mage shortbow on his back, and a handfull of rune arrows on his back. "Keep talking, fat man," Radon thought.








He had a good angle. He was behind the man now, under a table for those drinking at the bar. Radon took to one knee, and pulled the string...








"That's it, pretty, I'm going back there and I'm gunna..." The man stopped. His eyes went wide, and, if you looked at his neck, a tiny blue arrowtip was visable.








Sam ran up and hugged Radon. Radon smiled. "You owe me one." Sam hit him in the back of the head. "I think all the free beer was enough!"








Chapter 5








Radon wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth. He picked a splinter out of his arm. Trying to look unharmed infront of the intruder was hard, and trying not to wince between each splinter was no picnic. Even he, a mighty warrior, was humbled by a tiny peice of wood, much like the famed story of the lion and the mouse.








"Don't bother hiding your pain, Boy. None can take the pain of Dragonfire and not be hurt." The man still hid his face. He put his crossbow back onto his back, and pulled out a blue shortbow. He took two rune-tipped arrows out of his quiver. As he strung them, they glowed green. It was snap-shot, the ability that the Magic bow gave to the weilder.








"Guthix" Radon exclaimed towards the sky, "God of balence, bring balence to this fight, and protect me from arrows!" Radon began to glow, and at the same moment the intruder shot his arrows. One of the arrows hit, the other bounced off harmlessly.








The first arrow had done the dammage. Radon was hit in the chest, but on the right side, meaning the arrow missed his heart. Radon stumbled backwards. His prayers had only been half effective, and he was now defenceless.








The archer pulled a small dagger from his boot.








"Goodbye, Son. I am sorry." The dagger came down, and stabed Radon in the chest. It was only then that Radon saw that the dagger was not steel, but a pure white.








Chapter 6








"Get him covered in green slime! Stat!" Radon was drifting between awake and asleep, and this was the first thing that he heard. "So these are the best doctors in runescape, huh?" passed through Radon's mind.








He awoke completely later, and found himself in a blue room. He had no idea how he had gotten here. He was wounded, but still had all of his weapons and armor he had had when he was fighting that stranger. "Wait," He thought, "That dagger..."








So it seemed that he had lived, but who had saved him? He pondered this, until someone in Lunar robes approached. The mask covered her face.








"Who are you?" Radon demanded. "What are you doing here?"








The woman replied, "Maybe this will help you remember," and approached like to kiss him. She then smacked the back of his head.








"OW! Hitting the near-dead guy may not be a good idea!" Radon said. But then the woman started laughing.








"I'd know that laugh (and smack on the head, he said under his breath) anywhere! How did you get here Sam!"








Yes it was that same bartender from Varrock he had saved two years ago. She told him of her training with the lunar mages, and how she had planed to visit Radon.








"...So as I walked in, I saw that man about to kill you, so I teleported you and myself to Catherby, and from there carried you to this hospital."








Radon smerked. "So i guess we're even now from me saving your life in the bar that one night?"








"Not quite, you owe me a favor now," She said, "Here's the Hospital bill."








Chapter 7








After selling everything BUT body parts, Radon had payed the bill. He walked out the next day, and found his way to Burthrope. If you wanted a theif, they lived under the nose of the imperial guard.








He found his way to Burthope's main tavern, located in the shadow of the castle. He spoke to the inn keeper, who nudged his head towards a trap door. Radon slipped him a gold coin, and climbed down.








He went into the cave. Screams of the dying came from the maze, as a spinning blade cut someone in half. "Amatures," Radon thought. To him, the maze was no more than a child's playground.








He was good friends with one of the rouges. Then again, friends may be a bit to much. Buissness partners maybe. He had always been known as "The ear." If there was a criminal, the ear knew about it.








"The man with the white dagger? Yeah, ex-white knight. High ranking, then he got discharged during an attack on an enemy village, a group of protesters." The ear knew his stuff.








"For what?" Radon asked," Why did Da (He caught himself), uh, the man get discharged."








The ear smiled. "A little bit of everything, I guess."








No, not his father. He was not that kind of man. He had heard of the things that go on in invasions, rape, looting, murder, but not his dad.








"Don't believe me, huh?" The ear could read it, like a book, on Radon's face. "You know that I know that you know that I know my stuff."








"Right..." Radon said. "Thanks for the help, Stephan."








"Hey! Watch the S word!" The Ear replied.








Radon only laughed a moment. He had to find out what his father had done. How and why would a great man like him become a theif?








Chapter 8








Warning, slow chapter. Other than history, no point of reading, you won't miss much. Just setting up for later.








"Freshen your tea, sir?" Radon's new butler asked. He had to get a new one, after his father killed the last (chapter 1), but this one was just as good. Radon had rented a large sum of books from the varrock library, anything about the white knights, wars, and trials.








He was dozing off, and the words blured together. He was tired, but had found out much in the last hour. He found that the attack the ear had mensioned was a village known as ralendolf, a village rumored to harbor wounded black knights. The attack was supposed to be a "Clean invasion", white knight talk for no rape, abuse, yada yada.








Well that didn't happen. Houses were burned to the ground. The white knights were no better than barbarians. They looted, killed, raped, all thigns taboo. And the commander of that invasion? Radon's father.








According to the books, Radon's father didn't try to stop them. In fact, court testomonies said he was as bad as the rest. Those talking against him, however, were the men ranked just below him. Of course, Radon thought, these men just wanted to take his father's place!








Then again, only one person could really tell him. The only question was how to find him.








Chapter 9








After a long treck, and many beggars knocked out cold, Radon found his way to Ralendolf, or what was left of it. It seemed the city was nothing but ruins, with a buildings that being called a house was a complement.








Bodies littered the ground, and blood was everywhere. It seemed that the white knights hadn't bothered cleaning up the place. He examined the corpse of a young boy. He held a small doll, a white knight in a battle stance. But now, it was not covered in redberry juice, but real blood, the blood of the young boy.








He examined the corpse closly, it was fresh. The blood pool was not old, even though the boy was long dead. This had been done recently. Very recently...








"How'd you live! We killed every un, i thinked..." The mad was heavy set, and wore armor that was a pale green. In one hand, a rune scimatar, and in the other, a shield that once belonged to the Tazarr...








"Wait, tiny man, you'd the guy whos deaded my papa! I gunna kill you!"




(For those of you who are confused, please read chapter 4)








"Bring it on, you fat, illerate man, I'll make you pay for what you have done!" Radon tried not to show his fear, he knew how much better a fighter he was, but rage doesn't need to come from a dragon battle axe special attack.








He decided he would end the fight quickly. In a flash, his warrior's armor was replaced with gold and yellow mystic robes, with a prayer book of guthix in one hand, and the staff of the god in the other.








"Lord Guthix, i fought for thee in the arena of mages, now I fight for you here. Allow this man's death to be the balence of the murders he has done, as you, the god of balence, commands."








Nothing. His staff didn't even glow. The man charged and thrust his blade towards him. Radon brought up his staff to block, but the shock rang through his hands. He droped the staff.








"Hey, a magicy sticky!" The fat man bent down to pick it up. Then, a loud rip. "Oh noes, my underware!" The man pulled his armored pants up higher. As funny as that was, Radon saw an opening. He dashed forward for his staff, and pointed it at the fat man.








"Lord Guthix! I beg of you! Look at what he has done, and blance his killings with his own death!" Still nothing. "Oh the heck with it!" Radon charged forward, holding the staff like a baseball bat. He swung it at the fat man, and he crippled to the ground, out of breath.








"Good bye, evil man." Radon said. He pulled a dragon longsword out, and thrust it into the enemy. Radon didn't like killing, but he had no choice.








The deed was done. It was then that Radon heard a voice. "I would of helped you, but you didn't have any runes!"




Thanks Guthix, thanks.








Chapter 10








"You can't talk to the gods, that was me." Came from behind Radon.








It turned out to be a man, average height, thin, strong, and saying "armed to the teeth" didn't start to explain it. He held the staff of the Anicent desert mages, and the other hand held a rune defender. He had a Super poisoned dragon dagger in a holder on his left, and empty space for the defender, and the other side held a dragon scimatar on the other side. And odd X-Shaped holder on his back held a seercul bow and Dragon 2-hander, as well as an empty slot in the middle of the X for his staff. He wore the armor of the third age, a rare, and very pricy, peice of equiptment.








"What, have you found how to sap energy from another's runes?" Radon asked.








"Yes, it's called 'Take while holder isn't looking', really effective..." The man laughed at his own joke. Radon didn't. "Well, I'm Cameron, and I see you had fun here today..." Radon had forgoten he was alone in a village of slain corpses.








"This was caused by tubby, over there," Radon pointed towards the warrior he had recently killed, "Oh, I'm Radon. What are you doing here, Cameron?"








"Let's just say that i'm a hired helper, and I was sent here to kill a mole in an army. Looks like someone beat me to it. To bad, I was getting a 5 million gold coin bonus for the corpse."








"Explains the weapons, and armor I guess..." Radon said. How the man even walked with all of that weaponry was a question. Cameron kicked a stone towards one of the corpses. He looked disipointed, he must have really wanted to kill that mole...








Cameron suddenly became alert. He looked at Radon with an odd look. He quickly pulled out his bow and fired at Radon's head. Radon barly ducked.








"What the heck, man! You could have put that through my head." Radon pulled out his longsword, ready to fight the crazed warrior.








"Shut up and look behind you, idiot. We have friends."








Radon turned around. Behind him, a human sized lizard-like creature lay dead, an sword in it's hand and an arrow in it's head. Steps away, a small army, 20 strong, flicked their tounges. The lizards swords were shaped like lightning bolts, and gleamed in the mid-day sun.








"When it rains, it pours!" Radon said. He and his new found ally prepared for the fight.


The GES, the only clan ruled by a Goat.

"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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:shock: Creepy... gets the readers attention.








9/10. Some places you need to be a bit more descriptive. I did not catch one spelling or grammar mistake. GREAT start, I look foward to reading more. :mrgreen:


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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No grammar or spelling checks, great storyline, ahh... we should see a lot more of this. :)












Love the story, its creepy, who would shoot an innocent butler in the head, or, is the butler innocent? Or is the guy just breaking in? Creep cliffhangers... love em. :3>

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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We said there WERE NO spelling or grammar mistakes :wink:

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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"Then you're about as smart as the slab of granite on top of your friend's maul."








I'm not sure how many people say that but ok....








I like how efficiently you use words and how you don't drag out ideas making the chapters endless. Although this is a Runescape story it does take away from the plot when you say things such as, "his agility and thieving is high." Still good work

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. Although this is a Runescape story it does take away from the plot when you say things such as, "his agility and thieving is high."








I'll edit that then..








His training with the gnomes and his trials in burthrope had made him much like a ninja, allowing him to quietly sneak through his home. He peaked around the corner....










The GES, the only clan ruled by a Goat.

"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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More, more, more , more! [/spamity plaeding voice]








9.5/10 (Would give you 10 but no-ones ever perfect O:) )

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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Its his daddy! :o :shock: :cry:

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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