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Long dreams


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When i was a child, i had this same dream for 3-4 years
















It was something like this:








I am in my house. I walk outside, a man in a car drives up, i try running away, up to my door, he chases me, i barely make it inside...








Sometimes i'd have one where i could jump very high on my room, and run fast, but he'd still be there.








And another one i'd have a LOT when i was a kid, was i'd be scootering around town, up these large hills. I still have them today, except i'm skateboarding. :-s








And recently i've been having a few strange ones. My brother (i love my brother) was in the living room. I was in my parents room playing runescape (lol) and i heard some rustles in the bush. So my brother went outside and looked...he looked, turned around to come back inside, and there was a man standing there with a knife. I was terrified. That's when i usually wake up.








But last night i had a horrible dream. I was in a house, my and my friends were in there. Suddenly, a guy comes in with a knife. He stabs some of my friends. I was left, there, me and my mom. So then we were in my house. There's a huge window in my parents room that has a view in our backyard. Anyways, we were sitting in there, and i look out the window...and this very, very, creepy, possessed horrifying man looks at me through the window. He stared. I cannot explain how scary it was, just typing this makes me feel a little freaked out. It wasn't like moster scary, something about his face totally scared me, and he just ...stared. So he started running towards our door, and i ran to my parents door and shut it, and locked it. I heard him pounding on our door, so i pushed my mom and myself under her bed. I heard him get through the door and walk around...and i woke up.








That was a truely terrifying dream.








:ohnoes: crazy dreams man mine was scary but not like creepy scary like that

If at first you dont suceed, then you fail.

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I can control my dreams to a certain extent. The difficult bit is realising that it is a dream. I remember having a rock falling towards my head and panicing, thinking that I could actually die. Just before it hit me, I remembered it was a dream and the rock disappeared. I woke up before I could have some fun :D








Actually the difficulty is staying asleep once you realised you are dreaming.

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Lol. I've been having some odd dreams lately, some of the more memerable ones:








Was running uber fast, when we came to a turn in the road. I had to stop, to slow down, while my friend went along on a tri-cycle. I went along, and walked into something that you had to be going real fast to get across..hard to explain.








Fell into some tree roots, and started imagining I sat there for 2 days, then slowly died to ravaging wolves eating my body.












In another dream, I was in a car with Eddie Murphy, where we crashed into a ditch in a field. I turned a corner of trees, where two giant dogs came after me. One a doberman that kept growling at me, with giant teeth, but didn't bite me, and a St. Bernard that's fur was mad of rags, that came after me, and I had to block it with a sheet rapped around my hand.












Fun dreams, eh? I seriously think I'm paraniod. :)

[Admin Edit: No naming names in a negative light]

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I can control my dreams to a certain extent. The difficult bit is realising that it is a dream. I remember having a rock falling towards my head and panicing, thinking that I could actually die. Just before it hit me, I remembered it was a dream and the rock disappeared. I woke up before I could have some fun :D








Actually the difficulty is staying asleep once you realised you are dreaming.








That as well. It always seems that as you realise it is a dream and try to alter it, it falls apart. But as it happens you are in it without any conscious control outside of the dream. I'm getting confused myself here, but sometimes, I'm in a dream that feels totally real and I have control, but I go with things that I wouldn't do consciously. Othertimes, I am watching an event and only take control moments before I wake up. Only once or twice have been fully conscious of dreaming and stayed in the dream.








Basically I agree.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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