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The Hunter's island


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He watched the creature fall into its grave. It tried to claw and hold on to the ledge, but it couldn't. The Kyatt fell, and died as it was impaled on the [bleep]es. The hunter reached down, and pulled out the corpse.








"Tatty fur again!" He exclaimed. It had not been a good day. Almost every catch he had came out as tatty fur. He had gotten only 3 good furs, and the day was almost done.








He pulled out a small box. He opened it, and an imp showed its head. "What do ya want? Let me go already." Imps had a tendency to be lippy, which is a nice way of saying they never shut up.








"Take these two good furs to the bank, and your free then." The hunter would only be able to make one set of Kyatt to sell, but he had also captured many snowy knights, which would fetch him some money. He pulled his Kyatt hood down over his eyes to sheild him from the wind. He placed his gear in his pack, and went to the bank.








Every day, more and more hunters came to hunt the Kyatts. More hunters becamed skilled, and learned how to capture the icy beasts. He sighed. That was no longer the way to gain money. He decided that he would have to make his living elsewere. He had heard of the falcon range, but he disliked that. Imps were fun, but got old after a while. He had heard of the explosive chinchompas, but he wasn't much of an archer.








He needed something new. Something for himself. He couldn't share the lands with these people who just are in it for the money. He loved the thrill, the challenge, and the money was just a side bonus.








Then he remembered. A legend had spoken of a land, hidden in the far east. An island of beasts that stalked the land, a land that humans had only seen. None who had gone there ever returned. (Ok, so one had to because there is a legend, but you get the point.)








Beasts larger than dragons, eating whole oak trees. Birds, larger than ogres, fly overhead. Insects as big as humans crawl across the ground, and spiders, 10 times bigger than what we call giant spiders, spin webs as large as cities.








That was where he would go, a hunter's dream. An island to himself, where he woud be free to hunt anything. His own playground.








The Hunter's island.








Chapter 1








A thud rang thru the jungle. Birds flew, no, fleed from their trees. A dying cry from a large beast, a mammoth without hair, was head through the land. A single man looked into the pit.








"Bingo!" he cryed. Another pair of ivory tusks. These would fetch a good price back home. Maybe he'd make a dagger out of them. And the meat, well, he needed dinner.








He used his whip on his graahk. He had tamed the beast, and was glad he had brought it. It was, in a figure of speech, his workhorse. He put what he wanted on the sled, and the graahk pulled it away. Another fine hall.








He had been there two days. The ship would be back to get him in 5. And in that short time, he had made a good hall. He had caught 10 elephants in his pitfalls, box trapped odd creatures that he had named ferrets. Cute, and made great hats.








Great, black birds, much more graceful than anything in his homeland, were snared in his traps. Good eating, those were. And the feathers, well, something could come of those.








He started to walk back to his camp. He left a trail of what he had found, a kind of silkworm that gave an amazing blue silk. He had used it as a rope, attached to his belt and to a tree at his campground. He bit off a chunk of black bird meat, and started off.








He got 5 steps. A dart hit him in the back. He was fine, he thought, until the poison swept through his vains. He slowly became tired. He fell, and couldn't lift his arms. The last thing he saw was a tribe wearing masks of some beast. He closed his eyes.








Chapter 2








Chanting filled the air. It was not like the hidious goblin chants, but a beautiful, hypnotic chant. The world came into focus. A dark skinned tribe, wearing nothing but loincloths, danced around a fire. On a spit roast was a large animal, but of what he wasn't sure.








"It's frank, nice guy, to bad for him..." Came a voice. He turned around. There, a woman and a man stood there. The woman was wearing nothing but undergarments, like the man.








Wait, that means...The hunter looked down. The same. His dagger, bow, his whip, everything gone. And being half naked in front of two strangers just made him blush.








"Who are you, new guy?" This time is was the man. A weak, bony man, like a reporter or map maker. Not a warrior, that's for sure. Even so, he had a glow around him, a glow he had only seen in the strongest mages.








"I don't have a name, I've always been 'The Hunter' really. I was here to find new pray, and I thought it would be fun."








The woman laughed. "I guess 'The Hunter' became 'The Hunted.








"Good one, Jen, but this isn't a laughing matter. Hello, Hunter, I am Ralon, mage and map maker. My funny friend here is Jennifer, archer and expert tracker. Oh, and dinner is, well, was Frank, warrior and, apperently, tasty."








"Hey, mage boy, don't call me Jennifer! It's Jen, and you know that!" Jen hit him over the back of the head. These two looked like best friends. Hunter turned away and looked at the cages.








"What are these cages made of?" Hunter asked. Jen flinched.








Ralon replied "I'll just say that we had two more friends come here with us, and these cages were made after we got here."








Great, Hunter thought, just great.


The GES, the only clan ruled by a Goat.

"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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Um. This is the kind of story that's wobbling on the verge between 'Needs ALOT of work' and 'Good story,'








Too much repition, you say the word 'thru' instead of 'through,' at least once, little flow, never use digits instead of worded numbers, " are quotation marks not speech marks which are ', word lippy is way too casual and mopdern to use with this kind of story and you may want to try wanting to add some more detail and emotion into it. Though the description that there is is really nice, keeping working on it.

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