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Madness Combat Tribute -Any ideas?-


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Edit: just got rid of some old pictures to get more room








Here is the progress so far:












earlier posts












For the past couple of days i have been work on a Madness combat tribute here is the result... so far




Also this is my first pixel!!!!








This isn't everything tho, i am currently working on a scene to place this in which i hope to have done by next sunday at the latest




but anyways plz rate out of 10 and place anything i can use try to improve on but plz try and be nice :D








Thats all for now :)

.:I don't need a sig to be cool:.

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half suprised noes said this yet, the first time i saw it i was like, hmm, someone else will say it. well they didnt.








the gun at the top should be behind the character, if you were to hold 2 guns like that or anything really at your sides and look at it from that angle then you would see what i mean.








and yeah mc is great, cant wait too see the next one the latest has such a cool ending with that big, BIG thing, like dude.... =P~








also you arnt aloud to bump untill the topic reaches the second page, forum rules.










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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needs coat nd thingie on chest








yes i do know i am working on it atm








edit: wont be working on it for a while got year 11 mock exams next week and also art courswork to do but i try and do some in my spare time :D

.:I don't need a sig to be cool:.

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dude just finished my mocks, good luck with them and do well!








its comming along quite nicely however make sure th head is pointing the right way, it seams rather tilted towards the 'camara' atm... make the bandagers more on the image right and less of the left, other way round, more on left less on right. gives more sence to perspective. also with the guns have more of a burst thingy, so when it exits the barrel its rather tight atm, 'explode' it, make it bigger =)








another thing, make sure the guns are at the same distance, maybe far sight slightly more to the right, again, perspective and proportians, i know, but it will make more sence.










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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well, in your curreent sig the shading on the body is on the wrong side >_< look at the light shources and shade rom here, and treat the head as a spere, a purew sphere, so no need for the lighter shading around the cross it doesnt make an effect in reality.


100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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well, in your curreent sig the shading on the body is on the wrong side








Yes i have seen it is on the wrong side, being me i cant be bothered to change it until my new sig is complety finished, and also with mocks i dont have the time atm to fix it give it time and it will be correct :D

.:I don't need a sig to be cool:.

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