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Pure Mage range and Strength f2p guide


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Now I know there are a lot of guides out there saying how to make f2p and p2p pures. TheyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re common and pretty easy to make if you know what youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re doing. This is just my take on how to make one. DonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t flame




because itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a common guide or because itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s the same old stuff. If you are going to flame for those reasons just donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t reply. I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t mind constructive criticism but not FLAMING because you can.








*Note these are low lvl pures with the basic stats for pking. This guide is ment for those first time pkers. If you want to make a high lvl pker there are some really good guides for combat lvl 50+












Now you have decided to make yourself a pure. Yeah the are really good and can become great with a lot of work, however you need to put in A LOT OF WORK. Without that you pker will not be good. Also you need to think are you just making the pure because you are bored with your main? If so you WILL GET BORED WITH THE PURE. I would recomend continuing with you main because in the long run you will profit more. But if you really want to continue read below.
















Pures are becoming a common class in runescape. I used to remember the days when the worlds were mostly populated by regular characters with all skills around the same lvl. WeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve lost that atmosphere but hey pures are fun. Personally I think there are 3 good good pures, for f2p, Mage, Range, Str. Yes these are the most common but hey theyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re the only good ones for f2p. Each class has its own stats.
















Att: 1




Str: 1




Def: 1




Range: 1




Mage: 59




Preyer: 1




Hitpoints: Depends how you get 59mage.








Combat lvl: Depends on hitpoints
















Att: 1




Str: 1




Def: 1




Range: 50+ u need 50 it hit hard enough




Mage: 25(If you want to tele)




Preyer: 1




Hitpoints: 40(i think)








Combat lvl: not sure depneds what you get for hitpoints








































Att: 40




Str: 40+




Def: 1




Range: 1




Mage: 25(If you want to tele)




Preyer: 1




Hitpoints: 36(just short but close enough)








Combat lvl: 35








The 3 types explained
















A mage pure can be very good, all clans need them. I true mage pure will have a max hit of 16 but will not be able withstand many attacks. Without one to two more pures of any type and mage will waste runes and not get many kills. We all know the combat triangle but it applies to PURE A LOT. If you are a pure mage DO NOT ATTACK A PURE RANGER. You will not hit a lot and they will be hitting a ton. ALWAYS ATTACK PURE STRENGTH. A pure strength pure however high he or she may hit her armor will cause you spells to hit hard and often. However if a Strength pure removes his armor you will not be able to hit a lot and there for will lose a large percent of the time. Mage pures although hitting hard are not recommendable for someone beginning their first pure ever.








Difficulty to build: 1/10
















A range pure will hit hard and fast against any class. It also happens to have more armor than both the mage and strength, see Pure outfits for details. A range pure also takes little money to start but is quite expensive to fund while pking. When pking a pure ranger will have the upper hand in most fights. Meele will not hit as hard thanks to armor and mages wont be able to hit at all. A ranger can be the best pure to make. A little pking experience is required to pk with a pure ranger however to train it requires little money.








Difficulty to build: 5/10
















A strength pure is the most basic pure. It will fair ok against mages and rangers assuming it wears recommended armor. However the strength pure will not have as high of hitpoints and the mage or range pure at his lvl. Why? A strength pure trains both att and str where as a ranger trains ranger, mage mage. 2skills to 1skill thus higher hp for the basic lvl pure. A pure strength pker is fairly easy to pk with. However the cost to fund pking is quite large. Training is easy and funding is a one time thing. More lvls is a let down aswell.








Difficulty to build: 9/10








Training Spots












1-59: Depends on method for which you will be getting 59mage.




59+ DonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t train other than pking












1-40: Chickens near Lumby




40-60: Minotaurs in Stronghold of Security




60+: Lessers at Karamja












1-40(both): Men in EdgeVille




40+ (str only): lvl 13 Goblins in village
















Now a lot of people believe to make a good pure you need to drop trade from your main.




A) ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s breaking the rules




B) You donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t have to








To fund a pure regardless of what it is pick one skill and use it to gain money. Mining Fishing and Woodcutting are the only good ones to use. Also to get some good start up cash use Stronghold of Security, free 10k. It is important to choose monsters to train on the drop items you need or items that will generate the most profit.








I personally used the SOS(Security Stronghold) for all those who don't know where it is, go to barb village, in the middle, down the tunnle. From there use this pic,below to navigate your way through.
















*The text in unreadable but basically go from red to green, and follow the black line. Bring 27 so low lvl food shirmps work, and eat in safe spots(when you are inside the gates)








Pking Teams/Clans








Now you've made your pure and you are looking to pk. If you aren't in a group it wont be as fun and you might be running a lot. My recomendation is to get into a group. Yes you wont always get the loot but hey you'll kill a lot more people. Now your thinking all i need is a few pures and we can kill anyone. Guess what you wrong, to pking you need to have good pures of each type. Think of it this way, the combat triangle. You being a pure str will hit hard on pure strs and rangers. You friend being a pure ranger will hit hard on mages and other rangers. Your friends friend who happens to be a pure mage will hit hard on pure str and only str. You have comleted the triangle and will be sucsesful pking any type of character.




Pking groups:








For wilderness lvl20< 1ranger 1 str and 1 mage




For wilderness lvl20-25 2rangers 2-3str 1-2mages




For wilderness lvl25-35 3ranger 2str 2mages




For wilderness lvl35+ 4-5rangers 3-4str 5mages








*Note you can have + or - on all types this is just a base for what you should have. Also if you go into lvl 20+ you stand a chace of meeting another pking clan. If you die, lose stuff or anyhting else dont hold me responible. Your group is good but a larger group stands a better chance of killing you and your friends. I recomend pking in lvl19 and lower until you have expierence and a larger group/ clan.








Good luck








Now go out and make yourself a pure and have some fun.








Please rate and give feedback.



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Ranging will end up working very well with melee.








You might want to name this with "Low Level Pures" instead. Right now, I have a pure that is level 71.








Mages really should train mage higher than 59. You won't splash as often, and you will be able to take on more rangers.








Note that prayer isn't useful until you become a higher level.

Started free trade with 1.5m cash. 2 weeks later, have hit max cash 2x.


PvP drops: 359 Brawling Gloves, 11 Vesta's Longswords, 41+ Zaros/Ancient Statues

9 Dragon Full Helms, 3 Dragonfire Shields on the old PvP loot system


Brawler guide is being finished!


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Nice guide.




btw i dont cut trees or mine i just run airs. it is good money (my pure lvl 6 has 10 runite ores. idk y i bought them... just 4 fun) and requires only lvl 2 mining and rune mysteries quest.








You should say safespots for training mage and range.

No! You'll die if you try to kill that farmer!
nah whips should be as left as is. besides theyre the intestine of an abbysal demon (i think) have fun crafting that.
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It's a pretty good guide. However there are a few things ( but i'm only gonna tell you one of them). Ok here it is: once pure strs get their combat past 35 ( and sometimes sooner, depending on how you train), they should train their range to 40. The range lvls won't raise your combat, and d'hide is a lot better than iron armour ( no duh ). Other than a few other things, your guide was great. Good job. =D>

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I was going to say the same as Hamish, 40 range gives you green d'hide which will raise a strength (and now range) pures magic defence which is useful in the wildy against a team.




Prayer seems more useful in p2p, however a f2p str pure may get 13 for superhuman strength or (even if people do greatly dislike it) 25 for protect item if it won't affect combat or only 1 level.




Overall a good guide for starting and low level pures 7/10.

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Ok... i'll start with my overall rating: 4/10








Sorry just didn't think much of this guide.




To start off with making a mage pure is a difficulty of about 1/10 as they own the wilderness and hit really high at low lvs which gives them more xp than a ranger or a pure str. As well when you "splash" or don't hit you still get xp thus making an easy pure mage.








Secondly, a ranger is about 5-7/10 difficulty depending on whether you just get xp from the wilderness (5/10) or if you train on NPC it would be a 7/10 because pures often have very very low defence levels and unless trainin from a distance (often causes you to lose arrows and is not often done.) you will be forced to spend a lot of money on food without getting any loot as you would in the wilderness from other players.








Thirdly, a pure str is the hardest to make 9/10 difficulty because of the fact that you need to train both attack and strength which becomes quite a difficulty because it means that you a basically forced to train on NPC's (waste of food as loot is poor.) As well a pure str might have 40 str and 30 attack and would be level 33-4 combat whereas, a pure mager or ranger could have 47-48 range/mage at that level.








As well stronghold of security gives you 10k in total loot from the boxes not 15 as u stated.








As well u think that pures should be training on things such as lessers which would become a massive food drainer and they don't drop anything betta than a rune med.








Also ur pure str training method is to train on men and goblins?? what's going on there. A lot of people actually have lives and don't tend to spend ages repeditively training on such nooby NPC's.








I'm sorry if I am being too critical but clearly you and the majority of the people who have posted to this topic have never really had much success with a pure if you were using this methods. Also to be frank, I highly doubt that you've ever even had a pure.








I have made many pures and have known many great pure f2p pkers here are some of the great pures/pkers which you may want to speak to as I have pked with these people and they are well known throught out worlds 1, 3 and 4 as extremely good pkers;








6 t o z (96 Ranged Pure)




13 r 0 n z e (60 Attack, 83 Strength and 73 Ranged Pure)








I used to pk with both of these Pkers with my range/rune 2h pure (85 ranged, 74 strength, 40 attack)








I sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone but i strongly recommend that in the future, you get the correct facts before making a guide and don't take adivce from people who won't even take a foot inside the wilderness because they're afraid of losing a rune scim. However, some of your advice was fairly good and if you add some corrections your guide could become quite successful.








Also; You may want to add a few more sections on the different types of pures such as hybrids and classify some important pking terms and tips for new pkers who are wanting to create a pure,








Yours Truly,








Ranger Str5

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uhm well I don't think these stats are very good!








first of all: it's important to have an as high lvl as possible (just before becomming magic based) mage lvl for either rangers and meleeers - this gives an invaluable magic bonus when fighting magician..








second I won't suggest these stats:




Att: 40




Str: 40+




Def: 1




Range: 1




Mage: 25(If you want to tele)




Preyer: 1




Hitpoints: 36(just short but close enough)








but rather something like this:




Att: 40




Str: 50+ <- get atleast 50 str - otherwise the attack/str rate isn't ideal for your lvl.




Def: 1




Range: 40 <- get this to wield green dragonhide vamps/legs!




Mage: 25(If you want to tele)




prayer: 1




Hitpoints: 40?? (idk)

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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