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Heir of an Empire Part Two Over!!!


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Leopold Herman was quietly shooed the rest of his cows and sheep into their enclosure, tapping them lightly with a walking stick. The sun was just about to set, the last of the travalers on the path to Varrock setting up small camps for the night. Leo walked into his small cabin, and hung his hat up on the wall. With a sigh, he sat down at the table, and cut a chunk off of the crispy loaf of bread sitting on a plate in front of him. Biting into it, he chewed tiredly. Just before finishing his last bite, there came a sharp knock at the door.




"Who would come this late?" he thought, getting up from his chair. Opening the door, he was startled to see a woman in desert dress standing before him. "Can I help you?"




The woman smiled. "Leopold Herman, I presume. May I come in?"




Leo eyed the woman. "Sure... who are you?"




The woman frowned. "Daniel that lazy man, I should have known he wouldn't have told you." Leo was taken aback at his father's name. "My name is Luzi. I don't think your father ever mentioned me, but I'm your mother."




Leo inhaled sharply. "I believe you're mistaken, my mother died many years ago when I was just a baby."




Luzi sighed and turned to face Leopold. "No, Leo, she didn't. That's what your father told you. I am your mother. Me and your father... lost contact when you were an infant."




Leopold sat down on the bed. "But you... where have you been? I'm almost 15. You've been gone 15 years, and Father never told me about you."




Luzi sat down at the table. "I've been in the desert. I was a nomad, after the disbandment of the Amythist Rangers."




Leo's eyes grew wide. "Amythist Rangers? Were you part of the Amythist Rangers?"




Luzi nodded. "Your father as well. Leopold, we STARTED the Amythist Rangers. We were the leaders. But the disbandment happened a few days before you were born. The Wilderness Army ambushed us, just outside of a tournament. We lost our entire empire that day, and most of our followers."




Leo sat quietly, as his long lost mother continued her story...

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"You see, son, after the battle, every bit of land and property we owned was taken over by the Wilderness Army. That even included our home. Then, just two days later, you were born in Al Karhid." Luzi continued."




"Wait," Leo interupted. "I was born in Al Karhid?"




Luzi nodded. "Yes. Our empire was large, and the only safe land left was unfourtunetly south of the Shantay Pass. Your father agreed to keep you safe, and I would go further south. He took you to Falador, where you stayed with a relative for several years. During that time, I was living on my own in the desert.




Leo stood up quickly. "You could have sent a card! You could have stopped by!" he fumed.




"No, Leopold, I couldn't. Members of the Wilderness Army were and still are guarding the land. It was hard enough getting in here to find you."




"Well if it was so hard, then why didn't you just leave me be? You could've stayed in the desert!"




Luzi sighed and reached behind her into her bag. Slowly, she pulled out a long runite scimtar. "For you. I bought this with my life savings. I bought it because I knew this day would come."




Leo eyed the scimtar suspiciously. "Leopold, its time we took back the Empire. I've already alerted any surviving members of the Rangers to gather the faithful. Leopold, if we can get our empire back, we could become more powerful than the kings! But your father and I, we're aging. You're the one who needs to lead our army into battle, and win us back the legacy we worked so hard to get."




Leopold was shocked. So much had been dropped upon him in so little time. He sat down once again, running his hands against the cold runite of the scimtar. "But why me? Father's still healthy."




Luzi smiled weakly. "Because, you're the one who needs to take over when we're gone. We won't live forever."




Leopold looked up slowly. "But I'm a farmer, moth- Luzi. I can't lead an army. I raise cows and wheat. And nothing else. I sleep in this cabin, bathe in the Lum, and sing to my cows. And thats about it."




Luzi chuckled. "If there's one thing I've learned while living in the desert, its confidence. If you're trapped by 9 bandits, you can't give up because 'You're just a weak little farmer.' or 'I'm just a woman.'"




"Wait... you took on 9 bandits?"




"No... I think there were 15. You know, its hard to tell when their faces are all chopped up like that."

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Hmm, the plot is decent enough, but it's too rushed. Take your time man. I doubt I'd react like that if I figured out my mother had been in hiding for 15 years...

On the flip side, it's been proven that women are probably better mothers

Yes I have balls, but they melted.
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Yea but this if fiction, i doubt your Mother once ran a clan and had a big war with a army. I think that if he dragged the ending on too much then you would get bored if he said something like




"No your not, my mother died when i was a baby"




" I am son"




" I don't believe you"




"Please believe me"




ect ect ect

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Leopold sat staring at Luzi with curiosity. How could she be his mother? His whole life, he had been that "Motherless child of Andrew, the careless gardener," who had actually turned in his spade of a life of preisthood, and now lived North of Varrock in a Monestary.




Luzi pulled a small cage out of her sack, and withdrew a yellow chirping bird from within. Scrawlling a short note on a loose piece of parchment, she tied it to the bird's foot. "The name's Klaphus. From a rare breed of Karhidian Squat Footed Finch. Known for their incredibly fast flying. This one's been able to send letters world wide in just minutes, with just a few short words." Luzi stood up, and walked over to the window. Throwing open the shutters, she threw the bird out and shouted "Fallador Monestary!" loudly. The cold night air blew in, chilling Leo.




"What was that moth- I mean Luzi."




"I'm sending word to your father that we'll be there in a few hours."




Leo gave his so called mother a look. "Are you out of your mind? A few hours? I usually takes me all day, and we can't leave now. Its getting late, and its freezing! And the highway men, you know, they'll rip us to pieces!"




Luzi laughed, and pulled Leo harshly out the door. Outside, a large white horse decorated in desert survival gear (waterskins, blankets, a large gleaming scimtar) was being eyed by a few campers, who's firepit was ablaze a few paces away. Swinging up on the horse, Luzi yanked Leo up with her.




Leopold tried to pull away, but Luzi held him tight to the horse. "Now hold on son, Kleemhan goes pretty fast!" Leopold shouted to protest, but the horse leaped into the air, and kicked away into the sky. Leo watched as the campfire and his tiny cabin shrunk away, enveloped by the nightime clouds.




Luzi looked back from her place at the front of the horse. "How you doing son? You like Kleem?"




Leo shook his head, the wind pulling back the corners of his mouth. "Good, Leopold, because Kleem's yours for the battle! She kicks butt on the battlefield!"




Leo watched as houses with brightly lit windows flew past underneath, trees whipping under the huge horse. After a few minutes, the horse slowed down, and sank to the ground. The front of the Monestary was brightly lit, and there was only one monk outside.




Luzi and Leopold dismounted from the horse, and approached the monk. "Excuse me, sir," Luzi tapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Would you happen to know where Brother Daniel is currently?"




The monk looked up at the vistory decked out in desert clothes, a rare sight in the Fallador mountain region. "Yes ma'am, in the dining hall. He'll be the one serving our cabbage stew. Can't miss him, he's the shortest one there." The monk laughed at this joke, but then coughed. "Erm... he'll be the one behind the pot of stew. Right through that door."




Luzi pulled Leopold, still sore from his horse ride, through the door and into the dining hall. There, Leo's father stood behind a giant cast iron kettle, pouring laddelfulls of green stew into wooden bowls. He looked up, and caught sight of Leopold. He smiled, and came forward, but stopped in his tracks at the sight of Luzi.




Brother Daniel Herman dropped his wooden laddel and dropped to his knees. "Holy Saradomin, save us." he muttered, as he fainted to the floor.

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Daniel Herman sat up in bed, and inhaled the steam from his rose tea. Looking up to his wife, he said "Luzimelle, you gave me quite a scare. I figured you were dead by now. I'm quite sorry."




Luzi smiled. "No problem. I know you didn't think I was coming back. But the Wilderness Army is at their alltime low of followers, and I already have several of my close friends gathering the faithful." Daniel looked shocked.




"You don't mean that Leopold will have to-"




Luzi nodded. "Yes, Leopold will be leading the army, as our only heir to the empire."




Daniel slammed the cup of tea on the bedside table. "No, no, no! Our son is only 14, mearly a boy. He is weak, and the only thing he knows is farming. He's not skilled in combat at all! And what if they capture him, then one? I don't think he could stand a minute of their hideous torcher!"




Luzi stood up. "Well somebody could have taught him swordfighting, or archery! Even if you thought I was dead, why wouldn't you teach a young boy these things? He will be leading us, for I have already chosen a tutor for him."




Daniel jumped out of bed, and confronted his wife. "You leave for almost 15 years, and then try to tell me how to raise my son? No, Luzimelle. He will stay at home, and tend to him field and cows. You can go and fight your little army, but our son will have no part in it. Go ahead and get yourself killed, but my son is a weak and peaceful boy. Leopold will not be fighting."




Leopold watched in horror as his parents continued fighting. He couldn't believe that his beloved father was calling him weak, and worthless. He might not be able to lead an army, but he wasn't weak. Tears filling his eyes, he ran out of the room, and out the main gates of the Monestary. He began to mount Kleemhan, but was hit in the back by a thick staff.




Leo fell to the ground, and looked up at three large men, who looked part Barbarian. They looked down, and laughed.




"Puny boy. You're the one the infamous Luzimelle wants to lead her army? She must be daft. A puny boy like you couldn't possibly defeat our army." The largest man chuckled, and tied a thick rope around Leopold. He tried to struggle, but it didn't help. When he tried to yell, a meaty hand clamped around his hand. Roughly, he was thrown into the back of a wagon, and carted away from the Monestary, towards the Wilderness.

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Leopold stuggled in the back of the wagon, as the Monestary grew farther and farther away. The bull that was pulling the wagon snorted, as the three men laughed alongside the wagon. Leopold tried screaming, but every time was hit hard with the wooden staff. He figured that nobody would heard him now, it was too late. He was about to find out what kind of horrible torture his father had mentioned. After a few hours of riding, they came to a ran down camp. The wagon rolled to a stop, as a few people stopped to watch. A tall man in rusted runite armor stepped out of a ripped tent.




"Ah, yes. This is Luzimelle's little prince." He walked over to the wagon, and poked Leopold. "Scrawy little boy, aren't you. Luzimelle has better judgment than to pick such a weakling to lead her army."




A few large men laughed at the man's joke. "Well well well. Now that the Amythist Ranger's are without their powerful heir, we might as well sit down to a nice bit of dinner, and enjoy ourseleves."




Leopold's eyes welled with tears, as the man continued. "But Luzi is known for heroic rescues of captives. We might as well do him in now." Leopold's eyes grew wide as the man pulled out a dragon longsword, probably the nicest thing in the camp. "And now, Son of Luzimelle, prepare to meat your-"




Huge white hooves clomped from the sky, and knocked the man to the ground. As the sword fell from his hand, it cut a gash across Leopold's face. As he fell unconcious, he saw his mother reach from Kleemhan's strong back, and pull him up by the collar. The last sounds Leopold heard were shouting, and Kleem's loud neighing...

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Leopold woke up groggily, a stabbing pain cutting across his face. Luzi stood with his Father, and the Monestary's doctor. The doctor felt Leo's head with the back of his hand. "Still a bit clammy, I think the blood loss is what hurt him."




Luzi leaned down, and spoke gently to Leopold. "Are you alright? Nasty gash you got there." Daniel excused the doctor, and sat down next to the bed.




"We're sorry we had a bit of a disagreement about you, son. It won't happen again. Its just, you've been my only family all these years. I can't loose you."




Leopold smiled weakly, and sat back on the pillows. "Were those... those..." He was too weak to continue.




Luzi smiled. "Well, Klaphus had a bit of a delay, he was chased by a hunting party in the Draynor woods. He got the note here, and as I looked out the window to pick him up, I saw those horrible Wilderness Army goons hauling you off. As we rescued you, the sword fell that the Immus, their leader, was holding, and cut you. You'll be fine in a few days."




Daniel held up a small mirror, as Leopold stared at the long red scar across his face. He looked at Luzi in shock, then got out of bed. "This is getting out of hand. I'm going back to my cabin, to live in peace, alright?"




Daniel shook his head. "No, you will be leading us. Your training start tomorrow, with a fine tutor."




Leopold sat on the bed. "Please, this has already been dangerous enough. I almost got killed, and now my face is practically falling apart. I don't want to get in any more trouble."




Luzi sat on the bed next to him, and put her hand on his knee. "Please Leo. This means so much to me, and your father, and thousands of people you don't even know."




Leopold took a deep breath. "I can't. I just can't. I'm too small, to weak, and I don't want to die."




Luzi looked into his eyes. "This has been your destiny since you were a baby. And now's the time to fufil it. We'll make sure you won't get hurt anymore, and then, after the war, you can go home to your cows. Alright?"




Leopold put a hand up to his face, and ran his fingers along the stinging scare. "Alright. But under one condition... can I get a bandage for this? It's grossing me out."

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Leopold sat awkwardly on the side of a low stone wall outside of a Fallador Tavern, as his mother and father walked inside. His new combat tutor was to be sitting inside, waiting for the sack of gold coins his motherhad promised. Leo watched as a few young children gawked at his scar, which was begining to heal quickly. After a few minutes, his mother and father came back outside.




"Well, Leo. Your tutor is waiting. We'll be back at the Monestary, but we'll send Kleem to come and pick you up later tonight, okay?" his father instructed.




"Alright. Who's my tutor?"




"Oh, you'll like him alot. Quite the expertise on all things combat related!" his mother happily chimed. "Plus, one of my most trustworthy combat consultants."




Leopold waved goodby to his parents, and slowly walked into the dim tavern. A dark shape was huddled in the corner, drinking a large mug of a blue glowing liquid. Leopold looked around, but nobody else was in the Tavern except the barmaid. Slowly, he walked over to the corner, and spoke quietly.








The figure looked up, causing Leopold to jump back with a shout. A large ape sat under a tattered cap. "Good day, Master Leopold. I've been expecting you. Sit down."




Afraid to deny the ugly monkey's request, Leo sat down at the table. The ape took a sip of the frothy blue potion, and looked up. "Nasty scar, your mother already explained. Now, do you know anything about combat?"




Leo shook his head. "Um... not really."




"Well how about archery?"








"Magic then?"




"Afraid not..."




The monkey looked at Leopold surprised. "You mean Daniel didn't teach you anything?"




Leopold turned red. "Well... I know how to plant the finest onions in all of Lumbridge, I can make a mean mutton stew, and my cow calls won a ribbon at the Annual Fair."




The monkey frowned. "We'll have alot of work to do. Here." He handed Leopold a small bronze sword and shield.




"My mother gave me a scimtar, couldn't I use that?"




The monkey grunted. "That would be an insult to all the fine warriors who trained for years to be able to master such a fine instrument."




Leopold looked away from the disapproving primate. The monkey stood up, and looked over at Leopold. "Come on, little mister hairless. We need to start your training."

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Leopold held the small bronze sword in his hands, the monkey rummaging through his burlap bag. Nervously, Leo spoke. "I didn't quite catch your name-"




"Riddius T. Turmoil, combat trainer by profession. Now, we're just going to start with some basic techniques. I'm going to release two rats from this bag. Now, just swipe the sword like that," Riddius walked over and grabbed Leo's arms, and moved them downwards, "And just hit them like so. Ready, set, go!"




Two small rats flew out of the bag, and ran towards Leopold. With one fluid movment, he killed both of the rats. Riddius grabbed his hat in disbelief.




"You're a quicker learner than I thought you'd be. Perhaps, we could even get in some advanced techniques today before lunch, at this rate!" For over two hours, the pair stood, Riddius instructing Leopold and releasing small animals from his magic bag. Leo killed every one.




It was just after noon when Riddius put the bag on his shoulder, and gestured for Leo to follow. They stopped at a small sandwhich shop in Falador. A tall woman in a pink dress took their order, and eyed them suspiciously. Riddius was just about to take another bite of his pastrami, when he sighed and put the sandwhich down.




"Ma'am, if you need to ask us anything, please, do so. We're trying to eat here."




The woman smiled. "Thank you, very kindly. I wasn't sure what to say, when I first saw him." She pointed a thin finger at Leo, who wiped a dab of mustard off his lip. "Leopold, I'm your mother's sister."




Leo's eyes grew wide, as he stared at the woman. Come to think of it, she did look a bit like his mother.




Riddius coughed loudly. "You're his aunt? How... nice..."




The woman laughed. "My name's Cleo. Luzi sent me a message the other day, about her homecoming. Good things brewing, I like to say. She was always so different than me. I'm one of Runescape's best chefs, and she is one of the best known warriors. He he, I guess thats just the way the cookie crumbles."




Leo spoke up. "Did my mother keep in touch with you at all? Did you even know I was alive?"




Cleo nodded. "We kept in touch. Every one in a while I'd get a Camelgram, those darling little things. And I knew about you, but she said I couldn't visit. Pity, you've grown so fast. How old are you, 9, 10?"




Leo turned red. "14."

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I changed the last part, it was a bit complicated. So anyone who had read up to the part about Ari, she no longer exists, and neither does Simone. The character Simone has been changed to Cleo, Leo's aunt. Kinda complicated, I know. :?

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Cleo blushed and smiled happily. "Right, right, fourteen years old. I knew that." Riddius finished off his sandwhich, and stood up.




"I'm afraid we must be going now, we have training to do, and one of my good friends told me that the Wilderness Army has a few spies positioned throughout Falador. Can't risk Leo's safety again."




Cleo picked up Riddius' tray. "I understand. Don't want another problem like that," she pointed at Leo's scar, "happen under your watch. My nephew, Yule, he's quite a strong guy. I could send him as a guard."




Riddius shook his head. "Leopold is quite safe under my watch, rest assured."




Cleo wiped off the table, as Leo headed for the door. "I'm just saying, a little guy like you, might not be able to ward off a couple big strong Wilderness spies."




Riddius scowled. "What's that supposed to mean? I am perfectly capable of taking anyone on, easy!"




Leo laughed at the short primate yelling at his aunt, and opened the door. Suddenly, a big hand clamped around his mouth, and started dragging him out the door. Leo watched as Cleo pointed in surprise, and Riddius spun around and sprang for the door.




Leopold looked up, and looked at the big man holding him. It was one of the men from the camp, when the Wilderness Army got him the first time. The big man ran quickly down the street, but ran into a dead end after a short time. Riddius and Cleo were right behind them.




Riddius pulled out a sword, and faced the man. "Let the boy go, Andre. Now."




The big man chuckled, and pulled a whittling knife out of his belt. "Riddius, Riddius, Riddius. Take one step, and I'll slit the little weasle's throat. You know I don't want to do that, Riddius."




Leo watched in horror as Cleo walked forward. "Hey lard butt, you better let go of my little nephew! He's quite the trooper, he could take you down in his sleep!" Riddius pulled Cleo back.




Andre laughed. "Cleopatrus, my old friend. You know I don't take kindly to teasing. Now just back down, or I'll kill the boy with my bare hands." Leo squirmed, but the man held tight. The knife's sharp edge was poised right against his throat, ready to cut at the slightest movement. Riddius pulled a small tablet out of his bag, and held it up in the air.




"Stand back Cleo, and Leopold, shield your eyes!" Leo didn't listen to the ape, but watched as he let the tablet drop to the ground. It shattered, letting go a wild flame. Leo's eyes burned, as he felt himself dropping from Andre's hands. He blacked out on the pavement, as the big man's body fell on top of him.




Riddius poured a bucket of cold water on Leo's face. Cleo smiled as he came to. "Oooohh, look at the little man! He's alright! I told you, Riddy, he'd be just okie dokie!"




Riddius looked over his shoulder, and frowned. "Just be quiet, will you? Leopold, are you alright?"




Leo's tunic was ripped down the front, and he couldn't see very well. No matter how much he blinked, his vision wouldn't come back. "Um... Riddius? What kind of tablet was that?"




Riddius smiled. "Made it myself! Tablet of Fire. Blinds opponents! Isn't it fantastic?"




Leo turned red. "Blind for how long?"




Riddius looked into Leopold's eyes. "You kept your eyes open, didn't you! Oh, this is not good. Not good at all. Leopold, the tablet blinds opponents for life! Your vision probably won't return!"




Leo curled up in a ball. What would his parents say? First his face, now this? He couldn't lead an army with his eyesight. He could barely see!




Cleo kneeled down by Leo's side. "But I'm sure you'll be just fine, I have the perfect-"




Riddius put a hand to her lips. "No, no sandwhich can cure the boy."




Cleo laughed. "No, silly willy! I know a man, Blind Roger, they call him. See's with his feet, that he does! I bet, if you two worked together, Leo could be trained just as well as if he could see!"




Riddius sighed. "We'll have to see. For now, we need to get Leopold home. Stand up, boy."




Leo staggered to his feet, but didn't take a step, in case he would run into something. Riddius took him by the hand. "Learn to listen to me, alright? Lets just be thankful I didn't use my Tablet of Blood. You don't even know what would happen if I used that one."




Leopold shuddered, as he was led along like a small child, through the streets of Falador.

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Leo stared at his worn out boots, with what little of his eyesight he had left, as though there were the most interesting things in the world. He sat on a chair, surronded by his parents, Riddius, Cleo, and the same monk who helped cure the gash on his face. The doctor chuckled nervously.




"Weeeeellll he's a little accident prone fella, isn't he. You might want to keep him away from whatever it is he's doing lately. Contact sports? Dragon wrestling?" The doctor laughed louder. "Ohhhhhh. Yes, well. I better get going, Brother Simon got a nasty hernia lifting a boxload of cabbages."




Luzi stepped forward. "What about his eyesight, doctor? When will he be able to see again?"




The doctor paused, and played with the tassle on his robe. "Yes...um... eyesight. Yes, weeeelll, that seems to be the problem. It can only get worse from this point. He'll never be able to see quite as well again. Every once in a while, he'll get a painful burning sensation in his eyes. But that will pass. Just drink a bit of tea, and rest. Well, I must be on my way."




Luzi sighed and kneeled by Leopold. "How do you feel?"




Leopold looked up, but couldn't see his mother. "I guess I'm alright. I just can't see anything very well anymore. It's getting worse, like the doctor said."




Riddius shook his head. "Its all my fault, I'm afraid. I used a fire tablet of my own creation to ward off the spy who had Leopold. I told him to close his eyes, but still. I'm sorry, Luzimelle."




"Don't worry, Riddius. You may still train him, you'll just have to change your approach a bit. Maybe call this Blind Roger Cleopatrus talks of."




Cleo smiled. "He's an amazing man, sees with his feet! He's more in touch with his surrondings than the average bum off the street!"




Daniel walked forward and patted Leo's head. "Then send for the man. Leopold and I need to talk."

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Andre stood in front of the General's tent, holding a cane, and the piece of cloth tied around his eyes. A deep voice spoke from inside the tent. "Come in."




Andre stepped forward, and entered the dim tent. A tall man in rusted armor sat behind a makeshift desk, made out of a door. "Andre, I've been waiting for you."




Andre bowed, and walked to the desk. "General Luc, the boy got away. Again. That stupid monkey trainer of his blinded me with some stupid piece of rock."




Luc stood up. "You let the boy get away again? Andre, once I can understand, but twice?"




Andre nodded. "I'm sorry, General."




Luc sat down, and sighed. "That boy got lucky. That will not happen again. The boy's blood will be ours, before any of our blood needs to be spilled. Understand?"












Andre nodded, and ran out of the tent, crashing into another person on his way out. Luc smiled. "Leopold Herman's days are running short. Very short indeed."

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Daniel took his son by the hand, and led him down the hallway. Leopold shook out of his father's grasp. "Let me go, okay? Its not life we're dating or anything."




His father let go. "I'm sorry son, I just don't want your hurting yourself.




"I won't-" Leo ran into the wall. "How about we just stay in one place."




Daniel nodded. "Leopold, I'm sorry about all of this. We would have told you sooner, and you could of had a mother while you were younger. On the other hand, I could have stayed with you in hiding, and none of this would have happened. Look at you, your face is all bruised and cut up, and not you're blind. Leopold, you have to go home."




Leo slid down the wall, until he hit the floor and was hunched against the wall. "I would, trust me. But I just can't. Mother is counting on me. Thousands of people are. We can't just stop now, Gielnor needs to be returned to its regular self, when the Amythist rangers took over. And I'm the only one who can do that."




Daniel sighed. "I know, I know. But you're my only son. You've been my only real family all these years. If I let you go, you could die. And that would kill me to loose you."




Leopold felt his useless eyes filling with tears, despite his trying hard not to cry. "I have good trainers. With Riddius, and now whoever Cleo wants to drag in, I'll be a great warrior! Its not like their just going to drop me in the middle of a battle in my sleep. I'll be prepared!"




Daniel kneeled down my Leo. "I understand your side. Its you who can't understand what I'm going through. I'm a peaceful man, Leopold. Not a warrior."




Leo sighed. "I know, but it would help a whole lot."

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Cleo and Leopold stood in front of a worn out shack on the outskirts of Varrock. Riddius had teleported them, to avoid an ambush by the Wilderness Army. Cleo knocked on the door happily, and giggled. "You'll just loooove Rogey! He's such an inspiration!"




A strange voice spoke from inside. "Enter."




Cleo pushed open the door, and walked inside. "Blind Roger? Its Cleo. Remember, you stopped at my sandwhich shop? We sent you a note about training my nephew, Leo."




A hunched shadow in the corner nodded. "Yes, leave the boy here. Be back by five."




Cleo smiled and put the picnic basket she was holding down on the table. "Well Leo, sweetie, I'll see you at five. Listen to Roger, and don't talk to strangers!"




She left, closing the door, plunging the shack into complete darkness. The shadow stood up, and walked over to Leo. "Well this is Leopold Herman. I've heard alot about your from your rather talkative Aunt."




Leo cleared his throat. "Nice to meet you too, sir."




Blind Roger cocked his head to one side. "Lets get some light in this place, unless you want to sit here in the dark."




Leo was amazed. "How did you know? I didn't even know-"




Blind Roger laughed. "Thats what I'm going to teach you. Now stand back, I'm still getting this one right." Roger waved his hands in the air, and an orb of light grew in front of him. It had almost lit up the shack, when there was a loud boom, knocking Roger back into the corner.




Leo gasped and ran forward. "Roger are you all-" Blind Roger's hood had fallen back, revealing his face. Although her couldn't see well, Leo knew blind Roger wasn't a Roger after all. "You're a girl!"




The thin girl covered in ragged men's clothes stood up. "You got me. I'm not Blind Roger. The name's Faylle."




Leopold gasped. "Just like-"




"Ronald Crutchfield's daughter? Ding ding ding, we have a winner."




"But how did... why aren't you..."




Faylle laughed. "Why aren't I at home, in my mansion, with my velvet dresses and hundreds of attendents to help blind little frail me? Because I hired a double. Also hired that monkey of yours to put a voice hex on me years ago, when I first started this charade. Now, stop with the questions. Do you want to learn how to see or not?"

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Actually, no. :) I'm making it up as I go along, plus I adds more suspense If I keep going in little chapters. Its hard for one girl to sit down and just pound out a story of this caliber. Sorry. :boohoo:

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