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Heir of an Empire Part Two Over!!!


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Leopold stared at Faylle. "My father... he'd talk about your father, and how rich you were. And how you had the best caretakers. You're one of the richest people in all of Gielnor! What are you doing here?"




Faylle slid out of the ragged clothes, revealing a blue silk dress. "Getting away from all those monsters. Seriously, father hired someone to feed me my food, in case I didn't know where my mouth was since I'd never seen it!"




Leopold stiffled a laughed. "Shut up dwarf boy. At least I look like my age. You put all of us other fourteen year olds to shame."




Leo stood up straight, and put on a serious face. Faylle looked him over. "You're obviously weak... this will be a challenge."




"How did you know I was weak if you're blind?"




"I told you I'd teach you that later. Now sit. We're going to try some basic exercises." Leo paused.




"Um... wheres the chair?" Faylle sighed. She stood up, and pushed a chair under Leopold. "Thanks." he said sheepishly.




Faylle began to speak. "I've been blind since birth. This was a setback for my father, being such a high ranking gentleman and all. He wanted a healthy son, to take over for him when he kicked the bucket. But he got me. I'm just as good as any son ever was. But he doesn't know that. I sneak out to practice my seeing when my double fills in. I've been able to walk through forests without a scratch! I see with vibrations, through these shoes." On her feet, she wore a pair of golden slippers. "Made you a pair of boots like mine. Stick out your feet."




Leo did as he was told, as Fayelle kneeled and took off his worn boots. She grunted. "Where'd you get these rags? Borrow them from a goblin?"




She placed the glowing boots on his feet, and stood back. "Alright. Stand up, and take a step."




Leo stepped forward, and felt an odd sensation running through his legs. "Woah." he said to himself. With his feet, he saw outlines of the table and chair in front of his eyes. Leopold couldn't believe what he was feeling, and seeing.




"How do they do this?" Fayelle shrugged, which Leo saw her outline do.




"Magic, I guess."

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Leopold spent most of the day walking around Faylle's shack in awe. "Who makes these shoes? Their absolutly amazing!"




Faylle shrugged. "I think some blind monk up in the Seer's Village. I sent one of my servents to buy a pair for me, but I didn't tell my father."




Leopold sat down, and took off the boots. Once they were off his feet, and in the bag, he could no longer see.




Around five, a knock came at the door. Faylle threw on her raggedy men's clothes, and pulled the hood on. She spoke with a raspy voice once the hood had obscured her face. "Come in, Cleopatrus. I'm waiting for you."




Cleo opened the door, and smiled. "So, Leo, how did your training go?"




"Good, Fa- Blind Roger gave me a pair of shoes that are magic! I can sort of see outlines of things when I wear them."




Cleo's eyes widened. "Really? Thats... thats... great! Now come on, Riddius's teleportation spell is about to kick in."




Leo turned to Faylle and smiled. "Bye, Roger."




Faylle spoke. "Leopold, keep youself safe. Wouldn't want anything happening to a handsome young lad like yourself. Keep up the good work."




Cleo pulled Leopold out the door, and slammed it behind her. "Those boots, how much did they cost?"




Leo shrugged. "Free, I guess."




Cleo sighed. "Do you know where they came from? What if a Wilderness Army spy planted them in Blind Roger's house, and its a trap? What if those boots kill you!"




Leopold laughed. "They were made by a blind monk up in the Seer's Village. They're completly safe. Now lets go home."




Riddius' spell teleported them back to the monestary, in time for a bit more sword training before dinner. After training, Riddius pulled out a long velvet bag, and smiled.




"For you, Leopold. You've trained much faster than I thought. And with those boots now, well, you're just about ready."




Leo gasped. "What? We've only been training for a few days!"




Riddius laughed. "You're not finished, we still need to teach you how to fight from Kleemhan. But I think your man-to-man combat has gone terrifically. I didn't expect this to take months, Leo."




Leo watched as Riddius' outline pulled a sword from the bag. "Riddius... is that a-"




Riddius nodded. "Runite sword. Belonged to my father, back on Ape Atoll. I want you to use it in the battle."




Leopold smiled. "But I thought I was an insult to rune!"




"Not anymore, Prince Leopold. The battle will take place in a few days, our informats have told us. Your troops will begin to gather here as soon as tonight. Its about time we treated this like a war, and not like a child's game."




Placing the sword in Leopold's hands, Riddius smiled. "Besides, bronze is an insult to YOU."

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Luzi cleared her throat at dinner, and stood up. "Everyone, if I could get your attention. The battle between the resurrected Amythist Rangers, and the Wilderness Army over our rightful empire will take place in just two days. Our faithful troops are gathering on the monestary lawn as we speak. I would like to thank everyone for helping us out this past week. For if it wasn't for you, Leopold wouldn't be ready to lead us into battle. As for you, Prince Leopold Herman, we'd like to thank you in advance. For saving our clan from defeat, and leading us into battle."




Leopold turned red. "How do you know I'm going to win?"




Luzi frowned. "Because I have faith in you. Now go outside, and familiarize yourself with our troops."




Leo walked out into the night, and gasped. Thousands of people stood on the lawn, building tents, and readying horses, armor, and weapons. From a long way away, Lepold spotted a hunched figure in ratty clothing. He started running.




"Blind Roger! Hey, its my, Leopold!" Many people looked up and saluted Leo as he ran across the lawn. The figure looked up in surprise.




"Leopold Herman? How are you doing, son. Those shoes working for you?"




Leo laughed. "Would I have been able to see you if they didn't work?"




Blind Roger laughed. "Come with me Leo, I need to talk to you." Roger pulled Leopold into a tent, and took off her hood, becoming Faylle again.




"Leopold, I just wanted to tell you, thanks. After I fight in this battle, I might be able to tell my father that I'm not helpless just because I'm blind. You might be able to free me from this, Leopold."




Leo smiled. "It was nothing. You did most of the work."




Faylle shook her head. "No, really. I'll be able to free myself from my own father if he sees what I'm able to do. And thats greater than giving someone a pair of gold boots."




Faylle leaned forward, and kissed Leopold. Turning bright red, Leopold smiled. "Thank you was enough, you know."




Faylle pulled up her hood, and spoke in her male voice. "No, Leopold, my boy. It really wasn't." She walked out of the tent, and was gone. Leopold smiled to himself.




"I really wished I deserved that. If I let her down..."




Leo stepped outside into the cold night air, just as a man holding Kleem by the reins walked past. "Just brushing your war horse, Prince Leopold. Got to look good when you make us proud!"




Leopold sighed. "I really don't deserve this..."

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Luzi shook Leopold awake, just a few days later. "Leo, Leo, wake up! You need to get going! Get your shoes on, we need to fit you for armor still! Oh goodness, we have so much to do, and so little time!"




Leo blinked the sleep from his eyes. "Huh? What are you talking about?"




Luzi smiled. "I'm talking about the battle! Its today, our informats have told us the Wilderness Army is advancing! They'll be a few miles away from the monestary by sundown. We need to get you some armor, and prepare the troops!"




Leopold slid out of bed, and pulled his boots on. "But mom, I don't think I'm-"




But Luzi was busy bustling around the room, picking up Leopold's sword, and a few other things. "We got some armor and a shield for you, Kleemhan's being prepared by our stable hands, the troops are being breifed on the plans, which I'll tell you about later, and you need to eat something. Oh, and Cleo talked to Blind Roger this morning. Did you know he was coming to fight with us?"




Leopold smiled. "I had a feeling she might."




Luzimelle laughed. "Blind Roger's a he, honey. Not a she. You must be tired. Now get going."








One hour later, Leopold watched from his window as thousands of men and women, some in armor and some not, gather into long, planned out ranks, waiting for Leo's command to march forward into the Wilderness. His mother was just finishing making sure his armor fit well.




"Oh, I've been waiting for this day for years!" She smiled, as she tied his sword around his waist. "Every mother can't wait for her son to get into a good school. For me, I couldn't wait until I met you, and you could win us back the empire!"




Cleo stood in the corner, holding a bow and a quiver of arrows she would use during the battle. "Look at the little Prince! He's sooo handsome. I bet any girl would like to be his princess."




Luzi sighed. "Not quite, Cleopatrus. First, he needs to win this war!"








Riddius stood by the entrance to the Monestary, and at the sound of Leopold clanking down the stairs, climbed up on a tall platform and performed a voice amplifying spell upon himself. In a hideously loud voice, he spoke. "In your places, everyone! The Prince has arrived!"




Walking out of the door, Leopold was greeted with a deafening cheer from his army. He smiled nervously, and followed his mother over to where Kleemhan stood waiting at the front of the army. As he mounted the horse, he felt a fluttering in his stomach. But he swallowed it down, and looked down to his mother.








Luzimelle looked worried from where she sat on her own flying horse. "Yes Leopold? Whats wrong?"




Leopold smiled. "How do I get them to follow me?"




A few minutes later, Kleemhan took to the skies, and flew forward, followed by thousands of cheering warriors.

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General Luc sat on a large dragon, at the front of his troops. Andre stood by his side, riding a bear. "General?"




General Luc nodded, and Andre shouted commands to start moving. Luc kicked the dragon, and it leaped into the air. The Wilderness Army began to advance behind him.








Leopold flew quietly on his horse a little ways above his army, with his mother and Cleo to his left on the ground, and Riddius and Blind Roger to his right. His father had stayed back at the makeshift hospital for wounded soldiers at the monestary. Luzi put her arm in the air, and the troops stopped. She sat for a moment, then pulled the visor on her helmet down. "They're almost here." Leopold gulped, and pulled the visor on his helmet down as well.








General Luc's head mage shouted from the ground to him. "General! A couple of our wolves heard hoofbeats through the ground! The Rangers are nearing!" Luc smiled, and slid his helmet's visor over his beady eyes.








Leopold gasped, as the small outline of a flying creature became visible, as well as the outlines of thousands of people and creatures walking on the ground. He shouted down to his mother. "I can see them! Sort of... battle positions, everyone!" His army cheered, and waited for his command. Faylle's words rang in his ears. 'You might be able to free me...' Leopold turned to his army, and then raised his sword in the air. "Chaarrrrge!!!!"

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It was twilight when the two armies collided, with the sounds of clashing metal, creatures screeching, and people shouting to each other. Leo flew down above the battle, taking out a couple of Wilderness cronies with a few slashes of his sword. He thanked Saradomin for his boots. Without them, he would probably be dead right now. He turned and watched as the tall man from the camp flew past on a dragon. The man shouted. "You got lucky, twerp! Now, you're going to get your hide kicked by us! You should have stayed home with your cows!"




Leopold kicked Kleemhan forward through the sky, and took a slash at the dragons wing. The dragon blew out a flame, nearly hitting Leopold as he ducked and flew onto the ground.








The battle continued for hours, but the Wilderness Army couldn't take it. The Amythist Rangers simply had more soldiers. Luzi flew up next to Leopold, panting. "I think... they're... retreating!" The bloodied corpses of thousands from both sides lay scattered on the field, as the dragon flew in the opposite direction of the battle. The Wilderness Army followed. Leopold smiled triumphently, but then looked to the ground. Blind Roger's horse lay neighing on the ground, and a pile of ratty clothing lay next to it.








"Faylle!" Leopold shouted, flying to the ground. He jumped off Kleem, and fought his way next to the clothes. Lifting up the hood, though, he found nothing. As General Luc circled one last time on his dragon before retreating, Leopold heard a sound. It was a high pitched scream, coming from the dragon. Looking up, he saw Faylle, tied up and bound to the back of the dragon behind the General.








Leopold jumped onto Kleemhan, and followed the retreating army as fast as he could. His mother tried to stop him. "Leopold, its just one girl! Get back here, you're going to get yourself killed!" But Leo paid no mind he followed the fast moving army for a long time, until they returned to their camp. He commanded Kleem to fly close to the ground, and then go back to the Monestary. Leopold jumped off Kleem's back, and ran into General Luc's tent.








Faylle was tied up in the corner, and General Luc sat behind his desk, talking angrilly to Andre. He smiled as Leopold entered. "I had a feeling you would come, shrimp. We may have lost, but you seemed to have lost something rather important to you, huh?" Faylle struggled, but was silenced by Andre, clamping his hands over her mouth. "How did I know? Ahh, the joy of spies. They make my life so perfect."




Leopold panted. "Let her go."




General Luc laughed. "Oh, I couldn't do that. She's a prisoner of war! I have a right to do whatever I want. She will be killed as soon as I take care of you."




Leopold looked over to Faylle, and saddened. He couldn't let her down now. Leo sighed. "What if you could have me instead of her?"




Faylle's eyes widened, as she tried to shake her head. General Luc was surprised.




"You? You mean, you'd give your life up so she can survive?"




Leopold nodded angrilly. "You make sure she gets back to the Monestary unharmed, you can do what you want with me."




Faylle stared in disbelief from Andre's grip. General Luc smlied wickedly. "Alright, Leopold. I'll take up your offer. Andre, get the girl back to the Monestary. But just to make sure, take the boy's sword and armor."




Leopold dropped his sword, and took off his armor, revealing his tattered farm clothing. Faylle watched as the armor was carted off by an attendent. As she was carried out the door, and bit Andre's hand and shouted to Leopold.








"I love you, Prince Leopold!"

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Luzimelle sat around a roaring bonfire with her husband, Cleo, and Riddius. Everyone was celebrating, except them. Cleo sighed. "You think he's alright? I mean, he wouldn't do something stupid to get himself killed, right?"




Daniel sighed. "I'm not sure. He's smart, but that General guy is probably much smarter."




Riddius stood up and scanned the horizon. With a frantic gasp, he started jumping up and down. "Its that dragon! Everyone, look!"




Andre and Faylle flew low over the partying crowd, and landed for a quick moment. Faylle jumped off, and ran towards the group. Andre laughed barbarically, and took off on the dragon. Luzimelle was the first to speak.




"You! Where's Leopold? Who are you?" Faylle explained that she was Blind Roger, and how Leopold had followed them to the Wilderness Army's camp. Daniel threw his arms into the air.




"I should have known. Leopold's heart was always a bit quicker than his brain. Its too late, they've probably already killed him."




Cleo picked up her bow and arrow. "Maybe not. If we're quick enough, maybe we could just grab him."




Riddius shook his head. "We can't go against them, not just us."




Cleo was exasperated. "Am I the only positive one here? Now stop dawdling, there might still be time if we quit dilly-dallying!"




Luzi stood up, and walked over to her horse. "She's right. Everyone, find a horse. Leopold needs us."












Leopold kneeled in the middle of the camp, hundreds of surviving warriors surronding him. General Luc smiled down on him from a chair situated on a wooden stage, thrown together for the occasion. The General stood, and laughed. "Warriors of the Wilderness Army clan, today is the day that the Amythist Ranger's heir, Leopold Herman, meets his fate!" The crowd cheered. Andre stepped forward, as General Luc nodded.




Several large men followed Andre, laughing and grunting happily. Leopold watched as they played rock paper scissors to see who would get to hit him first. Andre won, and stepped next to Leopold. He kicked him in the stomach, causing him to double over onto the ground.




The men exchanged turns punching and kicking Leopold, until he was little more than a bruised, bloody mess. General Luc signaled them to stop, and came down from the stage. He pulled out his sword, and poised ready to kill right over Leo. He flinched, ready for the worse, when all of a sudden General Luc looked up in terror.








Five large flying horses rode over the camp, each rider wielding a flaming torch. They flew low over the crowd, setting tents and people on fire. Riddius rode into the middle of the crowd, and knocked Luc off his feet, burning him with his torch. Luzi swooped down, and picked up Leopold, throwing him over her horse. She signaled to the rest, who followed her into the air, and out of sight. The crowd fell silent, as General Luc writhed on the ground, and a couple tents burned squietly.








Faylle was the first to notice Leopold come back into conciousness. He had been asleep for days, following his rescue from the Wilderness. Cleo jumped up happily. "He's awake! Look! He's awake!"




Riddius ran over excitedly, and screeched like a monkey. Everyone stared at him, causing him to turn red, and retreat to the back of the group. Luzimelle and Daniel smiled at Leo, whispering things to each other. Faylle leaned down and spoke in Leopold's ear.




"I'd kiss you, but your parents are watching."




Through the pain, Leo smiled, and hugged Faylle. Daniel spoke. "So its finally over. Thank goodness, I was begining to think this was never going to end."




Luzimelle laughed. "End? We're just getting started!"













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very very well written, I really liked it, the only thing I didnt like was fayelle, namely because of my grim view of human nature, but very good none the less.


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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<3: your story tell me if you update the second installment?

Account created on Weds, December 21st, 2005

99 cooking on December 12th, 2010. 99 Agility on September 30th, 2011. 99 Fletching on August 17th, 2012. 99 Prayer on March 22nd, 2016. 99 Farming on April 4th, 2016.

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Xewleer- Not quite sure what you're talking about, but thanks all the same.




Bonzeben- I'll be done with my current story, the 2nd chapter of my Mooncrest Chronicles, in a few weeks. I've actually already kinda started the 2nd heir, though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since I forgot to read the rules (naughty me) I need to restart the story. The first part will stay the same, but the parts about Leo will all be changed. Just thought you'd like to know that.








A tall, red haired teenager walked among the charred ruins of a camp. Above, a dragon flew in the cold night sky. Steam rose from the recently burned tents, spiraling into the sky like ghosts. The boy stooped to pick up a charred helmet. He sighed, and sticking his sword into the ground, he placed the helmet over the handle, a small tribute to the deceased wearer.




A gruff man in a bear fur vest came ambling over to the boy. "Kilroph, sir, are you ready to leave?"




The boy, Kilroph, scowled. "Francis... who did this to my father?"




The man coughed. "Uh... I'm not quite sure, son. Your mother is getting into the carriage now. The group is ready to leave... don't want to stay too late. The wilderness is a dangerous place, expecially at night."




Kilroph crossed his arms. "I'm not leaving until you tell me who did this."




A carriage surronded by several large men on horses, each wielding a large crossbow, sat a ways away. Another man gestured for the two to hurry up.




Francis grabbed the boy's arm. "I'll tell you in the carriage. Now come on. I'm your bodyguard, its my job to keep you and your mother safe."




Kilroph yanked his arm away. "No. You can't tell me what to do!" He began to run in the opposite direction. Francis took three large strides and caught up with him. Grabbing his shirt, he yanked the boy back onto the ground. Francis lifted him up by his collar, Francis stared him in the eye.




"We need to go. Your mother would kill me if anything happened to you."




Kilroph struggled angrily, as Francis dragged him along the chared ground to the waiting carriage. Opening the door, Francis pushed him inside. Once the carriage was closed, he mounted a horse and began to ride with the other men. One of them turned to him.




"Francis, what was that all about?"




"He wanted to know who killed his father."




The man sighed. "Estah still hasn't told him?"




Francis shook his head. "No. He think that Luc was on a hunting trip these past weeks."




"She needs to tell him. He can't just grow up not knowing why his father was gone so often!"




Francis sighed. "I wish I could, but Estah is to fragile a woman. Her health, its declining."




The other man grunted. "Who's going to lead us then? We can't just... stop. We're the Wilderness Army. We need a leader."




Francis looked towards the carriage. "I'll talk to Estah. With any luck, our leader is sitting inside that carriage as we speak."

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Leo sat quietly on a stone wall looking over the Port Kharazard, a man in tattered clothes poking in a pile of charred wood. Leo shivered as a cold wind blew in off the sea. Kleemhan neighed in the sky above, causing the rag man to look up in shock. Leopold laughed under his breath as the man scratched his beard, and watched the flying horse circle the port. The sky was a dark yellow, the setting not even visible behind the smog that signaled that a storm was rolling in. Luzi walked up from behind him, and kneeled on the cold moss.




"Leo, you ready to come in yet? Peter's making stew, its really delicious."




Leopold nodded. "Its going to rain."




Luzimelle smiled. "There goes the three weeks of sunshine here in beautiful Port Kharazard."




Leo smiled, as the roar of a battle tortise echoed a few miles away. Luzi grabbed Leo's shoulder. "Come on. I don't want any stray spells coming your way. Even if the battle is going to end soon... it makes me nervous. But both sides are respectful of the Amythist fortress. We're they allies."




Leo smiled and made his way to the open trap door, where Riddius was waving his arms insanely. "Leopold! Luzimelle! Get in here!"




Leo turned around and gaped at the streaming blue stream of light shooting towards them.




Luzi grabbed him and pulled him across the wet grass. His boots slipped, sending him sprawling on the grass. Luzi pulled him up, and yanked him into the trapdoor. As Leo hit the ground inside the door, Luzi slid in on her back. Ridius slammed the door, and ducked down as there was a loud boom outside. The trapdoor bounced open slightly, blue light filling the small hallway they sat in.




Leo panted as Luzi stood up, and brushed off her skirt. "Stupid elves. Can't hit the broad side of a tortise if you payed them."

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Kilroph sulked in the carriage as his mother, Estah, and Francis, discussed outside. Estah raised her voice from time to time, obviously angry.




"No. I won't have it. You can't tell him."




Francis sighed. "Estah, please, I'm begging you! The boy is going to be seriously messed up if he doesn't find out soon!"




Estah grunted. "No way, Francis. He's been doing fine without knowing for 15 years now, I think he can survive the rest of his life."




Francis scoffed. "How can you say that? He needs to know, and I'm going to tell him, right now." The large man started for the door.




Estah jumped and grabbed onto his arm. "You open that door and you'll be fired instantly."




Francis shook her off. "I'm a first class member of the Wilderness Army. I do what I please, and you aren't stopping me."




He climbed into the carriage, and slammed the door, leaving Estah alone in the tiny village they had stopped in. A goat walking past stopped and stared.




"What are you looking at?" Estah screeched.




The goat trotted away happily. Inside the carriage, things were different.




Francis sat back after he had told Kilroph the news. The boy turned white. "You mean... he died in battle?"




Francis nodded. "A hard fought battle, too."




Kilroph folded his arms. "So I have to... lead you then."




Francis shrugged. "Not now, you could wait."




The boy stood. "No, Francis. I need to carry on my father's legacy. I will lead the Wilderness Army."




Francis smiled half heartedly. "Alright then." Kilroph jumped out of the carriage and went walking by himself. Francis was stopped on his way out by Estah.




"Well? Is he angry?"




Francis shook his head, bewildered. "He took it rather well... and he's already accepted the offer to be the new General of the Wilderness Army."




He looked at the small woman next to him. "Hate to say I told you so, love."

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Leopold sat by a roaring fire, sharpening his sword. Riddius entered the room with a bowl of soup. "Leo, there's something I need to ask you about."




Leo smiled. "Anything, Riddius. Just say the word."




Riddius smiled. "See, your mother thinks you're still too young, but I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Warrior Festival with us this year."




Leo put down the sword. "Warrior Festival?"




Riddius nodded, slurping his soup. "Warriors, clans, knights, you name it, all get together to share their knowledge and practice their craft. There's entertainment, jousting, food, everything. Its about a week long, and this year its held on Karam Ja, by the volcano."




Leopold thought. "It sounds like fun. Sure, I'll go."




Riddius laughed. "That's my boy. Almost everyone in the Amythist Rangers goes. It will be good to get away from the sounds of war for a while."




Leopold nodded. He stood to go, but Riddius stopped him. "Keep sharpening your sword, Leopold. When I said that clans go to this thing, I meant ALL clans. Including-"




Leopold sighed. "The Wilderness Army."




Riddius nodded. "But don't worry. Without a leader, they shouldn't be too much of a threat. But we'll keep security tight, just in case."




Leo smiled. "Thanks Riddius."




The weathered monkey smiled. "You know I'm there for you, Sir Leopold."

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