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I'm back! ~Updated 12/21~PMG LEVELING UP!!!!!!!

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Hiya! My name is Brandon, formally Brandonssx, intill being keylogged and banned, I decided to make a new account. Thus the birth of p_9_p_9! At first I was thinking of training strength, till I grew bored and decided to make it a skiller instead! Also, I have met many great friends on the way(Mainly Skill_caster and Pasta Cheif ::'.) And even after getting banned and kicked down to the ground, I still try and try and try(So on and so forth), anyway, thanks for reading that block of words that I took time to put together. Onto the blog!!! Oh yea, Feel free to Hyt me!




I have decided to level up!




Short term goals!




30 in all non combats




Full wizzy T for my best friend skill_caster[_]




Long Term Goals




99 Woodcutting[_]




99 cooking[_]




30 slayer[_]




70 fletching[_]




Onto the pictures!




Stat Pic(As of 12/21)





















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  • 3 weeks later...

Good luck, but what is with those levels in your signature :? they make no sense with your actual levels. :|


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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Yah, good luck with all those goals. But as the guy above me said, what is up with your sig? Anyways, what account are you playing on mainly now? You have another blog with a completely different account, are you playing them both.








Anyways, have fun!


taking a break

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Sorry to hear that you got hacked, and banned after. I know how it is to get hacked and lose your items; but never experienced getting banned (Which I am happy about ofcourse..).








I always admire players that got taken down by other players, and just continue because they love the game and their friends. Keep up the work, you will achieve alot of goals in the future (again). Good luck on all of your goals, you got my support, I'll check back in on this blog once in a while if you keep it active and updated!








(Ps. Why don't you merge this blog of you to into your current blog? :))

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