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How's My Signature?


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It is my sig, on a scale of 1/10 what would you give it? It is my first 1, so dont expect a masterpiece. I only made it because all the stat sites wouldn't show my stats.








I made it Zammy themed.








The Attack is supposed to be a dragon 2h.

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generally its better if people dont post their first sigs. theyre usually not the best.








for advice on how to improve? firstly, dont save as jpegs, save as a PNG. jpg loses a lot of quality. PNG keeps the quality and reduces the file size.








its good to see you actually tried something, unlike some people who dont even bother. stat sigs arnt liked much on this particular forum, because a lot of the people on here only appreciate the length of time it takes to do something and the originality, wheras stat sigs have been done so many times. either way, i hold no grudge against stat sigs.


Featuring in my sig: TURT, ma pet turdle!


Thanks to- Runemetsa and Aijiru for two of the great sigs!

Avatar made by me

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on a scale of 1/10 what would you give it?








Is this a trick question?








haha, +1.












On topic however, it's really bad. Not only is it an incredibly non origional idea and easy to do, but you managed to 'muck it up with a horrible quality and squashed it ;p.

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Why don't you just crop the larger picture you have? That would at least look better.












And download GIMP. [just google it]. Nearly as good as photoshop and free.

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What am I supposed to do? Go to college? I'm only 14. I do not have photoshop or any of that other crap.








You dont? Then how did you change the colors of the icons without completely coloring over it?








Don't tell me you used paint, I smell photoshop.

Protect the Light...

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Accually, I did use paint.








When you color in paint it removes the previous color shade and replaces with the one you have selected.




In photoshop there is a "color" mode so that it re-colors and keeps the same bright/dark shades.








Paint can not do this, unless you felt like spending a ton of wasted time switching between shades of colors.

Protect the Light...

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Okay, I changed the type. Do you think I should use text instead of normal pixel-sized squares? I'm gonna try.








Changing the extention won't make your image better.




You have to save it as PNG in the first place. Sorry, little too late now. :(

Protect the Light...

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unfortunately, if you dont have a version saved as a gif to start with, your in trouble. it wont work if you have a jpg and then save it as a png, its already too late. gif files keep quality, generally, but are larger files. if the only copy you have is a jpg, sorry but youll have to redo it to get the quality back and save it as a png


Featuring in my sig: TURT, ma pet turdle!


Thanks to- Runemetsa and Aijiru for two of the great sigs!

Avatar made by me

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the very first time you save, make sure you change it to PNG, and every time you save afterwards as well, itll keep the quality then :wink:


Featuring in my sig: TURT, ma pet turdle!


Thanks to- Runemetsa and Aijiru for two of the great sigs!

Avatar made by me

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:wall: Crap!








Ahh... well. I still have three days before school. I actually did this in 5 min, so I'll take my time.








Before Is tart, should I save it as PNG first?








Right click on your desktop and select new>text document.








Then rename it from New Text Document.txt to sig.png








If you don't have extensions enabled just save a bitmap (bmp) image as png first.

Protect the Light...

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hey bren man check out my Image shop you might like.The link is in my siggy.Oh ya and if you keep refershing you page my siggy will change everytime and i created all of my sigs.








Woohoo! Over filtered, bad text AND unblended renders? You're spoiling us.

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hey bren man check out my Image shop you might like.The link is in my siggy.Oh ya and if you keep refershing you page my siggy will change everytime and i created all of my sigs.








Way to go bumping old post.








And even that you have your own shop, that doesn't make you cool. In my case, it does...








But don't spam others topics by just advertising your own topic.



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