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PKing Scam?


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I've had this asked of me twice. Someone would offer me a high amount of money (last time was 300k) to have a video of them killing me. Both said that they needed a video of them killing a high level with a whip to get in their clan. Both said I only need to bring one item, and they'd attack. But, it sounds a bit fishy to me... I've been in the wild and someone made me skull.. don't remember how though, as it was about a year or more ago.








So, anyone hear of this? Is it a scam? How do they do it?


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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So, they'd give me 4 mystic bottoms before we go out into the wild? Or while we're out there? If it was before, I'd just run off with them... and if it's after, I'd just drop 2 of them.. :twisted: What a stupid scam.








Anyone else to confirm this though?


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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what they would do would be to drop them noted. and they would almost die but dds spek you before you could run off. and it was d longs and mystic tops.








DISCLAIMER: Tip.It and its associates are in no way affiliated with the views represented in this post. Attempting this scam in game is in fact immoral and unethical, and may lead to intense hatred towards oneself. Tip.It is in no way responsible for the actions you take and the actions taken on you, and any physical, emotional, or property damage you may suffer as a direct or indirect consequence for the attempt of execution of said scam.

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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Well, what they do is in the wild they drop 4 noted items like dragon battle-axes, mystic tops, etc. and then naturally they assume you pick them up. You die, and keep 3-4 mystic tops (depending on if you have item prayer on or not).

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yeah jagex fixed it but a db axe is still worth more i believe








anyone confirm this??








DISCLAIMER: Tip.It and its associates are in no way affiliated with the views represented in this post. Attempting this scam in game is in fact immoral and unethical, and may lead to intense hatred towards oneself. Tip.It is in no way responsible for the actions you take and the actions taken on you, and any physical, emotional, or property damage you may suffer as a direct or indirect consequence for the attempt of execution of said scam.




Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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Ok, so if this is against the rules.. I'll give a disclaimer?








DISCLAIMER: Tip.It and its associates are in no way affiliated with the views represented in this post. Attempting this scam in game is in fact immoral and unethical, and may lead to intense hatred towards oneself. Tip.It is in no way responsible for the actions you take and the actions taken on you, and any physical, emotional, or property damage you may suffer as a direct or indirect consequence for the attempt of execution of said scam.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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OR bring telegrab runes and don't pick up but run out and telly grab it all. :-w

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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