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Air Crafters: profit? break-even? loss for skill training?


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Correct me if I'm wrong.








I observe that the bulk price of Air Runes is like 12-14ea. However, I also feel that Air Rune selling is kind of time consuming. As Air Rune is the lowest level rune in RS world, drops from monters / RC rates are high, and it is NOT the essential rune for Mage Power Training. So I assume that there's already a bigger supply than demand?








Say, World 16's open offer is like "2K gp + ess" (those who offer lower or paying by Air Rune are not getting workers as efficiently) - which is equivalant to 80gp per ess, ignoring the difference of buying ess or mining ess.








At Level 44 RC, you get 5 Airs out of 1 Ess. Thus, the cost of each Air could be calc'ed as 80/5 = 16.








Now here are the questions:








1. Will people buy large bulks of Air at 16ea? If not, what was the highest price ever seen?








2. What's the definition of large bulk of Air Runes? 10K? 50K? or what?








3. Is the price of Air Rune significantly different between F2P and P2P world?








Thanks for your patience and time! :)

I am back.

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Don't use Tip.it's forums as a basis for the Air Rune prices, buyers in the Market of Sardomin are very skanky and don't like paying higher than 0gp for an Air Rune (kidding... sort of..)








From the last 300k Air Runes I've made and sold off recently, I have never sold for less than 17gp each (always by browsing the official forums for buyers because of the high post turnover).




Just last night after making 50k Air Runes and needing some cash quickly I maneged to sell all 50k for 1m gp (20 each)!








Bulk Air Runes is anything above 10k really, and there is very little difference between the average prices between F2p and P2p.


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Great reference, thanks a lot!








1 more question: when did you start your Air Crafting / Running business? Around RC44 or RC55?








Don't use Tip.it's forums as a basis for the Air Rune prices, buyers in the Market of Sardomin are very skanky and don't like paying higher than 0gp for an Air Rune (kidding... sort of..)








From the last 300k Air Runes I've made and sold off recently, I have never sold for less than 17gp each (always by browsing the official forums for buyers because of the high post turnover).




Just last night after making 50k Air Runes and needing some cash quickly I maneged to sell all 50k for 1m gp (20 each)!








Bulk Air Runes is anything above 10k really, and there is very little difference between the average prices between F2p and P2p.

I am back.

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I started using World 16's runners when I was level 44 Runecrafting, and got to level 55 very very quickly. I made a guide of World 16 Air Crafting in the 'Player-made guides' section if you need help with the profit from each level (I assumed the selling price to be 15gp each, so the figures in the guide should be your minimum target.)








Now I need to buy 9k Rune Essence to go from 65 to 66! <.<


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I started using World 16's runners when I was level 44 Runecrafting, and got to level 55 very very quickly. I made a guide of World 16 Air Crafting in the 'Player-made guides' section if you need help with the profit from each level (I assumed the selling price to be 15gp each, so the figures in the guide should be your minimum target.)








Now I need to buy 9k Rune Essence to go from 65 to 66! <.<








I think I've read your guide, or maybe someone else's... That's the first time I heard of Air Running and how it works. Thank you very much, and I guess I've learned 2 facts to my questions:








1. Start Air Running at RC44 is feasible.








2. Starting price to sell Airs could be 15 ea... And it could be lowered at very high level when many more Airs come out of 1 Ess.









I am back.

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To be honest, if you set your starting price at 20gp each and actually hoped for 17/18gp each you'd easily sell them.




Just remember to use the official Rune section of the forum;








http://[Please Use QuickFind Code].com/lang/en/aff/runescape/[Please Use QuickFind Code]?37,38


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it depends what your goal is.. to make money or train..if you don't mind loosing a little bit of money then you can sell at like 10-12 easily. and if you need the money fast then its gonna be hard..but if you make a lot and want a decent/good price then just be patient..don't "try" to sell them just sell when you see people buying...thats what i do and its not as great of a problem

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To be honest, if you set your starting price at 20gp each and actually hoped for 17/18gp each you'd easily sell them.




Just remember to use the official Rune section of the forum;








http://[Please Use QuickFind Code].com/lang/en/aff/runescape/[Please Use QuickFind Code]?37,38








Thanks again um_bong0. I read your guide in Player Made Guides once again, and confirmed that the very first article I read about this was yours. =D>








I reviewed all "Buy Air" post issued Jan. 8 on official forum, you're right, there are a lot of 20ea buyers! \'








This is indeed good news, and clearing my doubts.

I am back.

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