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What sword is better scimiter or long?


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Hello, i was wondering to myself what sword is better long or scimiter? because on the item database i saw that long is better(doin more damge) but i didn't understand why most of the people use long sword.




Thanks for help.

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The scimitar is a fairly balanced weapon offering the same attack options as the long sword. It does not increase you strength as much as a longsword, but it hits a little bit quicker (more quickly?), which can mean more damage if you have a decent attack level, or more chances to hit if you do not. I like to think of it in terms of total damage, two 13s vs one 15.




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It's all about personal preference. No weapon can really be considered better than another, because each have their strong and weak points. (Excluding comparisons such as bronze daggers vs Whips... be reasonable).








But really, you should just test each one out for a little while to see which you prefer. This topic will probably go on and on with flames and "this is faster" and "this is stronger" posts... Don't expect a clear answer anytime soon, seeing as others can't tell you your personal preference.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Hello, i was wondering to myself what sword is better long or scimiter?




because on the item database i saw that long is better(doin more damge)




but i didn't understand why most of the people use long sword.




Thanks for help.




There are 3 things to consider with swords








1) Strength




(pictures by DroolMAN)








So the Long sword is slighty stronger.








2) Speed




(pictures from the Jagex Knowledge Base)








Long swordspeed5.gif




So the Scimmy is a bit faster.








3) Attack style







The scimitar is mainly a slash weapon, although it does have a less effective stab attack.




It's not as flexible as the short sword, yet it deals slightly more damage.




Slashing weapons are good against cloth and leather armour.








Long Sword




The warrior's friend. The long sword is excellent when stabbing or slashing opponents.




It can deal a good amount of damage, and is faster than the two-hander, battle axe or Warhammer.




Like the mace, the long sword also has a 'controlled' fighting option.







The Scimmy has a good Slash attack




while the Long has a good Stab and Slash attack.








The attack style matters depending on what your enemy is wearing.




For example, if you wear fighting an enemy wearing an Addy chainbody




(picture by DroolMAN)








you would probably want to attack him with a stab attack (Long) instead of




a slash (Scimmy) attack since his Stab defense is so much weaker than his Slash defense.








Keep in mind that Jagex states in the Behind the Scenes News update of 24-Nov-2003




... We noticed that most players only used a small range of weapons, mostly 2-Handed Swords




and Battleaxes, which is pretty poor considering the range of weapons available.




We wanted all the weapons in RuneScape 2 to be useful so,...




So Jagex has tried to make all of the weapons "useful"




I don't think that they managed to do that, but they did




come close enough, otherwise, you wouldn't be asking the question ;)








Many players fight with a scimmy in slash style because it's fast,




has good strength, and is effective against most monsters.








Hope this helps

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