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New sig: CC Needed.. Perhaps for sale

Guest Deximus

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As others have said, the white glow doesn't fit at all, and the 80+ Combat looks a little blurry. Other than that, I really like it. Nice colors, good render, and the linework works very well. Nice job. :)



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Guest Deximus
remove the big glow if you can.




lower the opacity on the grid if you can.




and fix the 80+ combat text.




then it will be pretty spiffy.




the linework reminds me of dementedhero's




hehe umm the line with diagnol cuts is based off demented.. but thats all rest was off various dev art pieces.. just combined a few different sources

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Guest Dreamlove

the white glow's bad, but many ppl has already mentioned that... also, the grid is kinda odd, as it destroy the quality the sig... try sharpening it too :wink:








also, change the text to one that's clearer and easier to be seen... and what's the 20?? text in the background anyway? :?

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