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Dagannoth Kings Trip #8 - Solo Maging Veracs


It seems a lurer isn't the only way to ruin a trip. How about bringing only 1200 Minds? Apparently my mind (excuse the pun) was wondering and instead I brought enough for Barrows not DK. -.-


Still, I got a Warrior and a clue so it wasn't too bad. :D





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Thanks Mc.. :-$




Went to W2 and sold my dragon square, I don't use it much now and i could use the cash more. I also sold all my rune arrows for the same reason, as well as some other stuff. 2M banked now, probably going to spend 1m on getting stuff for my house not sure though. :?

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Dagannoth Kings Trip #9 - Mage w/Hybrids (Sjakie 1 1 3 + Welephant)


This was an amazing trip! I got a Warrior very early on which put us with high hopes for the trip. Then, exactly one kill later, I got my first dragon axe drop!!! I was


ecstatic as you can imagine, and Sjak and Wele were pleased as well! Then Sjakie got an axe and that just made it even better!!




Warrior #4






Dragon Axe #1






Sjakies Axe



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Dagannoth Kings Trip #10 - Solo Magic Veracs


This was my best solo trip so far! Sjakie agreed to suicide for me and decided he would do a trip of his own on a different world. About a quarter of a way through I got my first ever solo axe! That's two axes in one day! I had done about 750 casts when another team came in. Their mager was 99, I didn't feel like arguing my point so I bid them good luck and left them to their own devices.




Dragon Axe #2



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@Heph, yeah I was pretty darn surprised when I saw the axe after I'd begged him! :shock:




@Vold, we play poker every Saturday. I let him win.




@Mc, I can't join GOF, my Dad won't let me download the Miirc client. <.<

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@Heph, yeah I was pretty darn surprised when I saw the axe after I'd begged him! :shock:




@Vold, we play poker every Saturday. I let him win.




@Mc, I can't join GOF, my Dad won't let me download the Miirc client. <.<




Dads ftl.

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Didn't do much today because I was shopping with my mum for school st00f and that, and I shan't this evening 'cos England are playing Germany! :o




Did get this though! :D








Heroes or England match! What to watch?

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Thanks for all the comments guys! <3:




I won't play much today, I have people round all day and then I have friends round tonight. I will probably hit 80 Construction on Sunday or Monday, then it is just a case of getting the cash from Barrows/Dee Kais for the rest of my house. I will get the Tok-xil last (5m), so I can build the rest of my house first. :D

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