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Final Places Decided!


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mines not up in the top 3? ill probly have another go :P








Nope, sorry :(.








For your next try, heres a hint, try bright hippy colours, like.... Groovy man. :lol:

ok yea, i was talking 2 my friend whos a big hendrix fan... he gave me some pretty cool ideas :D




probly wont win we first but ill do my best








might b in 2night








Ok, good luck :).








I'll leave this comp open for a week or so, until I'm satisfied with all the entries.








And also note, you may stand a better chance if you all don't do Hendrix sigs etc. As I probably won't pick 3 Hendrix sigs for 1st 2nd 3rd.

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Ok, for those of you who don't like the categories I specified, I will add some "Newer" bands that you can also make some sigs on;












Red Hot Chili Peppers,




Van Halen,




Def Leppard,




Iron Maiden (Can play around with their groovy artwork for this one ;)).




Guns N' Roses,
















And also,








The Beatles,








B. B. King








Lol, hope that opens it up for more people.

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Dam, thats nice man :D








lol, may still give this a shot tomorrow, but beathing that? heh fat chance :lol:












EDIT: iron maiden eh? i might give it a go lol :D

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Hey Led I got an entry but its gonna take me probably till tomorrow.. but tell me what you think so far.... Untitled-2copy4.gif[/img]








don't worry about a lot of the black lines they'll disappear i just put them for guidelines once i finish it i'll make it blend unless they need to be there.

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Hey Led I got an entry but its gonna take me probably till tomorrow.. but tell me what you think so far.... Untitled-2copy4.gif[/img]








don't worry about a lot of the black lines they'll disappear i just put them for guidelines once i finish it i'll make it blend unless they need to be there.








Yeah looks good, but what are you going to do with Hendrix? Like, what sort of background?

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WEll last night i made large progress and did the hair (major pain) and the face so all I have left is his shirt and tie thing...then the bg... i got school to 3p.m. est and then i'll be home to work on it... if i do this write i should finish by probably 7-8ish p.m. est is that ok?

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to get ur site one a google or another search machine you must introduce ur site to them and they add it, including the pictures on it... so that means the author has give permission for other players to use the site and pictures if they want to








Cabbage! Google will include your site if you put it up yourself or if it's linked to by other sites (as is prolly the case with, say, most devart pages). And images included in your site can still be copyrighted whatever the case, which makes it a crime to use them without asking the author first.

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WEll last night i made large progress and did the hair (major pain) and the face so all I have left is his shirt and tie thing...then the bg... i got school to 3p.m. est and then i'll be home to work on it... if i do this write i should finish by probably 7-8ish p.m. est is that ok?








Umm, yeah that's fine, it will be open for at least another week or so anyway.








eissob and Imadevil, nice sigs, theres going to be hard decisions to make ;).








gamebuster7 those links don't work, for some reason it links me right back to the tip.it forums?








And teenageloser (again), it's looking good :).

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opps, i dont know why they dont work well here copy these and put them in the address bar dont click on them ill continue to try and get them working. dose any1 have any sugjustions on where to upload my sigs to a better sight where u can see them?









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thank ya, i just got back from a concert so i'll work on it some more... got any suggestions?








No, it looks fine. I'll see what it looks like when it's done ;).








And gamebuster7 they look pretty good for your first sigs ;). But the brick back ground on the Pink Floyd one looks kinda cheesy, maybe try a different background? And add some sort of borser one them?

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well since im brand new at this i dont think ill be winning but do you want to purches any of these for 50k or so each? each and if i do have a chance plz tell me and ill try even more but this is about the best i can do.

































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