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Slayer cave east of Relleka.








http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?p ... ungeon.htm That's a map of the cave

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

[hide=My Stats]Jake_Corsair.png[/hide]

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They are currently vacationning in Hawaii, and would prefer not to be disturbed.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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To elaborate on Bluedragon's response, you'll need good mage defense to fight them. This is because a Pyrefiend's melee attack is actually magic based. Although if you want to use a Protection spell, protect from melee is what you'd use. So, I'd reccomend the best set of dragonhide you can wear, an elemental helmet, elemental shield, Amulet of Glory, mystic/snakeskin/ranger boots, and your best weapon.








It's also rumored that the little ones hit less often, but it's unconfirmed.








Have fun!


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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