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ok i dont know if any1s done this idea or but o well i got this idea cause ppl r always askin me can i see ur house(which is in rimington) when im all the way off in yanile or somethin. -.- there should be a feature under house options that u could pick certain users to go in ur house when ur not in it a little the same set up as a friends list ( u know it show whos on and who can come in)








also i think there should be a feature to kick certain ppl out cause theres always a noob or somethin goin around insultin ppl (trust me iknow) right now theres only an option to kick every1 which is not cool to the ppl who r good :shame:








i know tons of ppl who like my house would want this feature so if u want send this idea in im to lazy (heh heh forgot how only cause never really had this good of idea) i dont care if i get credit or not (but itd so rock) well guess thats it mightve forgot soemthin tell me any additions to this idea you got also u can pm in game (mth dragon2) no idea if its a good idea or not


i hope i did sig right lol


^ya i was bored lol

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if i may suggest, an option to walk into someones house called "inspect friends house" you enter but no1 is there, you cant use any features but the doors and portal and your transparent like wearing ghost robes with the border of the screen like it would look when looking through a scrying pool. maybe if i get the time ill make a demo version. eih way im sleepy, nighty night....


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there is a way right now, but it requires a lot of money and i high cinstruction level (magical cage thing in throne room)








people with lower construction need to be able to kick only the peole they want out of there house and not anyone else

Google is evil!


I like pie!

That is all.

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salesman voice: then what you need fakeitormakeit, is the weelie couch 2000. its comfortable, made from the finest fremenik woods avaliable and has a 2 year vari-genie warranty! and it only costs 100k, thats 100,000gp! how that for price! does not include waranty, and cost 999,999k shipping and handling and wood made from the rotten trees near draynor TA-DA!


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