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Everything posted by supercanon14

  1. Ok I think this is a good idea expecly when you are a mage in the barb assoult thing so you can swith spells quickly. And for all of you saying he copyed it tought [cabbage] a lot of things get copyd inless thay got a copyright on it so shut your traps basicly the hole game has bits of other games in it.
  2. You've made it much simpler earler today I was orgnizing my bank and it took over 2 hours just to get 1/3 sorted XD.
  3. well i was on the dod:S fourms(day of defeat source) and this dude compaired RO (red orstra ostfrount 41-45) to dod:s and RO has more graphics beter phsyics all that stuff and the one thang that was missing was fun... now dod:s has modern graphics good phsyics and is fun...
  4. thats life ur going have to live with it this is a bad topic.... and not in detail about the quest u said....... sad..
  5. ok so you are telling me that thay should make hps in a health and so if you got 99 hps you would get 160 health now can i ask how do you heal
  6. um les see half life seres =4 raceing games from my bro about 8 um about 15 rpgs and about 8 shooting games so thats about 35 thats about as many that i play i've had lots and lots of nintendo games but thay are all gone now....
  7. DoD:S and CS:S dod:S=day of defeat source and CSS if u don't know is counter-strike source
  8. i support but how about if u could like hop of thangs like small stumps and stuff if u got the wings on instead of runescape being like hugo :ohnoes:
  9. i got death match and the lost coast but i havn't played deathmath yet but lost coast sucks senence well its 1 level that takes 5 min to compleate but i can't put my 2 cents in till i play deathmatch
  10. correct me if i'm wrong but it makes your str level go up 18-20 not aways 20 maybe some times 19 does that help?
  11. i spose its like sony's ps3 store - u get the demos and concepts for free but wen u get bored u have to pay to get the good stuff. right you get to try then if you want beter you get members but like the person a cuple post above me said f2p should get 1-2 quest a year....
  12. on DoD:S (day of defeat:source) i almost go to holy **** i just sat in a window with a springfield and shot the guys that wanted to spown/walk threw the other hallways/window he he what fun...
  13. OFFTOPIC: ow 600mil on herbs but insane chef senence you new(?) you should leave a post on the idea ONTOPIC:i don't use lunars senence my mage level is crap...
  14. Not only that but it would probably be in the 100 mills yep it would probley.... yes it would be nice to have more combo staffs like water and air but only for the basic runes
  15. thanks for the post people nice kills btw
  16. ok here is a thried about your most memorbol shots/kills in CS half life whatever here is mine its in CS:S by the double doors in CS:S map de_dust2 pined by a crate when 2 guys come threw the hallway me with my scout had no time to zoom in so i tryed to no scope and i think i missed the first shot (not sure) but i killed 1 guy and he fell to my feet then the other guy cliped my head post your storys
  17. The word is "idiot". :roll: And if it's for those over thirteen, why is it being marketed towards pre-teens? ~q fear my bad spelling and grammar :twisted: hmm jagex is realy loseing it i see the artacal 2 realy makes senence then number 1
  18. ok sorry if i duble posted but i have CS:S in my house and even thow i'm not 17+ i still play it my parent don't care expacely my dad ...mom pays a little more attention as long as it don't have nudety lauange and vilance thay realy couldn't care less but this author does have a point in the 2 artacal still got to read it all...
  19. how much more do you want to make this game more babyier?! if you miss type 1 word it gets bleeped out yes you can get hacked/lyed to /scamed but thats your falt for playing if you are five years of age it clearley says that you need to be at least 13 years old if you want me to spell it for you here it is thirteen ok this guy that wrote that is a idiet
  20. i care because it makes it more real when your in war does a body disappear in 2 secs.? :? If you want to make a war more real, go to the middle east. War is not nice... Dont try and make it more real then it already is. agreed, having just finished my tour of duty in Iraq a year ago I can tell you what war is Hours of complete boredom seperated by seconds of sheer terror. Thats war for ya :P yep i had a drill friday saturday and sunday all i did was stand on watch for 6 hours and get eating by the nats -.- havn't faced the terror part yet :D
  21. ok i'm only going to menthen the games i've played /remembered senence i got a lot of em ps2 2x dule shock controlers jack&daxter jack 2&3 driver 3 (my bro wanted it i think its pritty worthless) BF2:MC COD1 SOCOM:U.S. navy seals SOCOM:3 U.S. navy seals and a lot more... #-o PC CS:S DoD:S half life 2:deathmatch and a lot more...
  22. i read to about 3.1 but what i do when i go to barrows is get 5 ppots and shade robes with mage=ownage not a bad guild thow
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